So this sneak peak post is going to be a bit different. Lucie wouldn't tell me much as she doesn't want to give too much away but s...
Sneak Peaks 2
The second breakup happened! First Nessa and Jay and now Juliet and Matt. I have mixed feelings about this one as I did like them as a...
Chapter 119
I have mixed feelings about this one as I did like them as a couple. However at the same time I am excited to see something different. In a way I feel like they are two completely different people, a bit like Jay and Nessa and I think they both want different things.
Juliet seems to want stability and some security whereas Matt isn't as focused on that. He wants to still be able to be carefree and not be so serious ... however that is hard with a wife and children.
I think this breakup will be good for them and it works out well because Jay is single too meaning they can both be reckless together.
I hope eventually both Matt and Jay settle down... not sure who with but hopefully eventually they find someone. I think it's one of those things where being in a gang makes a relationship so difficult to keep, it will be fascinating to see who is that one person they can keep it with.
I also think Matt and Juliet jumped into a relationship quickly and maybe weren't ready? Everything came so fast for them, even the wedding... maybe that's why it didn't work out?
I also hope that what Juliet gets from this breakup is the importance of those around her? She has been focused on doing whats best for Matt for a while (with moving to Vegas and that), that I would like to see her surround herself with family and friends.
I may be the only one who is 'for' this breakup instead of 'against' but it's all for good reasons I think haha! Eventually it may be nice to see them get back together but I think for now this is not a bad thing.
In this chapter we saw that Jack finally fired Matt from his garage. It seemed as though the workers were all extremely pleased to see...
Chapter 118
With the official cutoff with his first serious relationship I thought it was only right to base this post on him. There will be one like th...
Five things about Jay Gibson
1. He is a player.
I don't think this needs explaining as he has been that way since Bad News. He has always been the guy who likes to party and spent the majority of his twenties so far just having fun.
However when he got in a relationship this still seemed to carry on, he was still messing around and playing different girls - it seemed as though it was a permanent trait for him.
As much as in real life many people would hate a guy who acts this way, there is something funny and hard to hate about the way Jay does it.
He doesn't seem to care and he is so relaxed about it and makes it seem like it's not a big deal. I think the fact that he also seems like a genuine friend covers up the fact how mean he can be sometimes.
2. He's a good friend.
Leading on from my last point, he is a really good friend. All the friendships he has, he seems to manage to keep. Like Lucie has mentioned in the story before, if you're friends with Jay first he will try his hardest not to hurt you... if you get in a relationship with him first, he never truly respects you (I think that is a quote from one of the chapters, hehe!).
In a way I think that is another trait that makes you unable to dislike him. He may be a player and mean to a lot of people in his life but he is so genuine and kind to those he respects.
3. He's invincible.
Okay this one is not literal... he obviously isn't, especially as we now know he eventually dies. However it seems like he is. He manages to deal with anything, emotional or physical and i think this is because he has such a hard shell around him.
He's really good at acting like he doesn't care and that's what gets him through unharmed.
4. He is actually a little sensitive.
Most people's impressions on Jay are that he is very strong and emotionless however he is actually quite sensitive in my opinion - but I say this with caution. There are only a few things that make him sensitive and they seem to be his daughter and Jess... and maybe Steph, but I feel like with her their relationship is quite fiery - idk if that's a good work to use, but I know what I mean...
I feel like when he is around them both he acts a little differently and I don't know if anyone else has noticed that. One thing I picked up on which is from a while ago, I can't remember what chapter... was when he met Jess for a drink and a chat. When they were talking he turned his phone off and put it away, giving her his full attention.
I can't imagine him doing that if he went out for a drink with many other people - I could imagine him being distracted by that and gang stuff all night.
5. He is extremely lost.
He seems the kind of character who has everything figured out by I personally don't think he does. I think he's very lost and always has been. He had a rough upbringing and that has effected the way he lives now.
I don't think he knows what he wants and I don't think he will ever fully figure it out.
I wanted to make this post to discuss the friendship between all the characters in the story. This is part 1 and I am going to base it on Je...
The Characters Friendships: Sophie & Jess
I feel like their friendship is an extremely close one and it's like the first female Jess has fully got on with, apart from Steph. As in Bad News/Secrets it seemed like she got along better with boys.
I could imagine them hanging out together a lot and just doing generally fun girly stuff that Jess was probably never used to doing.
I think it's sweet that it developed from Jack's friendship with Sophie - how Jess got to know her through that. And it's the cutest thing that she is going to be carrying Sophie and Elliot's baby - it's such a thoughtful thing to do.
If you click on the fast forward tab on this blog you will find a list/profile of the children in Bad Desire! There are photos, a fun fac...
Bad Desire Children Profiles as Teenagers!
Lucie has given me a few sneak peaks to post here for you after I begged her in DM's for a good half hour the other day (insert innocen...
Lucie's Sneak Peaks
This is a relationship that seemed to have it quite simple for a lot of the story up until now. It was finally their turn to get some drama...
Matt & Juliet
These chapters focused very much on the relationship of Jay and Nessa, including a little bit of a plot twist which was extremely unexp...
Chapter 116 and 117
As well as this blog making it super easy for you to explore the characters and the story, I am also going to be posting: A Live Feed of...
Live Feed/ Updates/ Sneak Peaks/ Help Wanted
- A Live Feed of the characters lives, including photos, videos and more to continue the fun of the story even when you're not reading it.
- Updates - Every time there is an update I will make sure to begin a discussion about it here!
- Sneak Peaks - if Lucie agree's, I will also be posting sneak peaks of the chapters that have not yet been published!!
So I thought it seemed only right to make a blog for this book series! My name is @BadNewsFanfic on twitter and I will be running this...
Bad News Series Blog!
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