So as SITC is going to carry on for a little while longer, here are a few hints of what might possibly be coming up.... 1. Steph finally ...
What's to come? Sneak Peaks!!
1. Steph finally gives in and speaks to Jay
We know from a previous chapter that Jay was really struggling to get hold of Steph but was really desperate. Why was he desperate? For a few reasons...
1. He knows Anya is living with her and wants to see her
2. He knows Steph is upset with him and wants to talk
3. He wants to get divorced... ouch!
You might remember that in the last few chapters of Bad Desire, Jay married Steph so that when he 'died' (aka vanished from existence), Steph, Jess and Anya could have everything he owned (aka a whole bunch of savings). Therefore, now that he is slowly trying to live a normal life again and come out of hiding, he doesn't need to be married to Steph legally.
Technically she was no longer married to him when he was 'dead' however, now they know he is alive... a divorce is needed.
What will that mean for Steph?
Will she be happy about it?
Will she be upset/hurt?
What will Lauren think?
Why is Jay in such a rush to get divorced?
2. Jack and Jess are going to be living apart...
In the previous chapter we found out that Jess and Jack are going to be living apart due to the whole Jazmine situation. However, what will this mean for their relationship? Well, it will definitely cause some strains... but don't worry, not enough for a break up!!
We know Jack has issues when it comes to opening up with how he truly feels and instead copes in the worst ways. However, hopefully this time he will learn not to take that road and actually use Jess' support to cope with what will cause a lot of stress.
This situation will make both Jess and Jack realise how important the family who love and care for you are and how sometimes you have to let any hope in those who don't show it go.
Also... just another hint, the kids are going to freak out over it a little. Their last memories of living apart were the times their parents broke up, so they will definitely be a bit confused.
3. Aaron is smoking again and Sophie doesn't like it
So we have seen that Aaron is back to his old bad habits and just because Sophie is back from New York, doesn't mean they are going to stop.
Sophie not being pregnant, alongside a new job offer are going to cause even more strain in their relationship which will just cause Aaron to rebel more.
We know Aaron still has his younger laddish side to him deep inside, so that will definitely come out.
Alongside that, we know how Sophie can get when she has an idea in her head, especially in relation to work. No matter what her dad or Aaron say to her, she won't listen.
Uh oh...
4. Juliet and Matt are having another baby!
Soooo Juliet happened to be the one who was pregnant but what does this mean for hers and Matt's relationship?
They are both know for rushing into things in the past - children, engagement, marriage and moving - which has just caused huge drama for them and never worked out.
Will they manage to take things a bit slower this time? (probably not considering they are already having another baby)... but maybe they'll hold back on the marriage this time and not jump at that too soon? that's definitely more likely and the question won't be asked for quite a long time (if at all) so maybe their relationship will last longer this time.
ALSO will Matt quit the gang for his family? Maybe...
5. Why was Lauren so angry at Jay for not caring about Juliet and Matt's baby news?
I thought considering they are in the Christmas spin off it would be a good idea to do a little update on the other Lawrences aka Connor and...
The other Lawrences!
I have loved Connor from the moment he joined the book as although he is similar to Jack, he is much more mature and their relationship is a fun one considering they are very competitive.
Bella (played by Stella Hudgens) Age: 16 (Juliet's best friend) Candice (played by Lucy Hale) Age: 20...
New Character Profiles: Bella, Candice, Jamie, Max, Zaiden & Brad
So the previous post which I will link here was another character profile for a potential spin off and now I have a preview chapter for it ...
Spin Off Preview!!!!!!!!
Lucie doesn't know if she will be doing this for definite but this is a bit of a taster and if she does do it, it's likely it will be on wattpad and not here.
Here is another profile of what a potential spin off could be!! There are going to be quite a few of these posted - some being similar to B...
Another Spin Off Character Profile!!
- Sophie is currently studying Fashion at University and is getting incredible grades however, life isn't as plain sailing as most may have it and this can hold her back.
- She and her sister (Juliet Carter) fell out with their parents when they decided to move to New York for work purposes. Sophie and Juliet remained in Brighton alone and without family around them, have been learning to fend for themselves.
- Sophie wants to look out for her younger sister and therefore, while studying at Uni she works a part time job at her local Topshop. This comes with it's challenges as it's difficult to keep on top of everything and make sure the bills are paid on time. Considering Juliet is still in school, she is unable to work like Sophie and when times get tough, this can cause a strain on the siblings usual close relationship.
- Sophie is dating Aaron Harris (and has been for 1 year) - who also goes to her University. When Sophie gets free time, she uses this to hang around with him and a few other of their friends (e.g. Jack, Jess, Zaiden, Kaia etc...).
- Sometimes Sophie's choice of going out a lot to see her friends and boyfriend can also cause a strain on her relationship with Juliet. Juliet can sometimes feel alone and scared while home alone and also miss Sophie being around.
- At her age, Juliet doesn't quite understand how desperately Sophie needs some time out to just enjoy being young and not acting like a parent to her sister.
- Juliet is currently at school studying for her GCSE's. She lives with her older sister Sophie (without their parents as mentioned above).
- Due to her age, there isn't much Juliet can do to help earn money but she does work in a small cafe for a few hours on a weekend. It gives he enough 'pocket money' so she is able to do normal things with her friends.
- Juliet is extremely close to Sophie and looks up to her a lot. The sisters have been through so much together and providing for themselves is something that has brought them closer.
- There are times where their relationship struggles, for example when Sophie gets stressed over money or goes out a lot with her boyfriend and friends. Juliet relies on her sister so much so feels lost when she isn't around.
- However, Juliet does have a close relationship with Sophie's boyfriend Aaron as he treats her like his own younger sister - which is always good whenever he is round.
- Juliet likes to spend as much time as she can with either her sister or her friends. Her closest friends know her situation and understand however, there are a few who don't and this can cause trouble when she can't afford to go places.
- Aaron is currently studying Mechanical Engineering at university which he loves and is also where he met his best friend, Jack. Alongside uni, he is on the boxing team and does this in his free time.
- He lives in student housing with Jack and a few other of their guy friends where they usually get up to a lot of trouble.
- This moves nicely onto how he has a bit of a reputation - and not a good one. He has spent a lot of his time at uni out drinking, sleeping around and generally not always meeting deadlines. However, he is now in a relationship with Sophie and is trying to get his head set on uni (trying being the key word).
- When Aaron isn't in uni or boxing, he is usually with friends or Sophie (who he has been dating for a year). Although he has a bit of a bad rep, he has been a rock for Sophie through everything and knows how to let his soft side out around her.
- Just like Aaron, Jack is studying Mechanical Engineering at University and alongside this he plays football for the uni team alongside various other sports.
- He lives in a house with Aaron and a few other fellow student friends and they spend a lot of their time going out.
- Jack has an extremely bad reputation when it comes to girls and has 'dated' many throughout his time at uni. No one ever really knows who he is with but he is currently seeing a girl (one of Sophie's friends) Jess Montague. The pair met through uni and have been seeing each other for a few weeks now.
- Jack is amazing at the course he does but it is not showing as he isn't putting the work in. His family and friends are trying to make him see what his priorities should be but it doesn't seem to be working.
- Jess is studying Psychology at University and this was where she met Sophie and they became good friends. Alongside studying for her degree, Jess takes part in volunteering work through the uni as she is desperately trying to build up her CV. She loves her course and is getting incredible grades.
- Although she is very focused on getting the top grade possible, she does also like to see friends in her spare time and make the most of whatever is going on around the uni.
- Jess has been seeing Jack for a few weeks. She met him through Sophie when she invited her to a gathering at the house he shares with Sophie's boyfriend. Jess knows Jack's name from around uni and knows he has a bad reputation but didn't let it phase her too much. She still lacks full trust in him but nevertheless she is giving it a go.
- Bella is Juliet's best friend, they go to school together and this is where they met. Bella knows everything about Juliet's life and how it's just her and her sister. She is always there for Juliet and has her round a lot whenever Sophie is out/staying over Aaron's.
- Bella helps Juliet through all the tough times and is a great support.
- Felix is one of Sophie's best friends and she met him at University. They both study fashion together.
- He is a lot of fun for her to be around and also helps her when she is feeling down about her work load and having to act like a mum to her sister.
- Felix looks out for Sophie and is on careful watch of Aaron to ensure he doesn't hurt her.
I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SOOOOOSOOO SAD that Bad Desire has ended and in celebration of how much I loved it I am going to look back and pick o...
End of Bad Desire Sum Up!
1. Sophie's 'player' stage aka trying to figure out what she wanted.
From around Chapter 59 (Bad Desire: New Beginnings) Sophie's rocky relationship with Elliot really became clear and her growing closeness with Aaron peaked through too! Although the way she went about things weren't exactly that great, I still LOVED reading it. It was constant games, bad behaviour and excitement.
I loved her and Aaron (still do) and was constantly waiting for them to just get together! I also loved how she didn't stop there either. She took full advantage of having plenty of guys after her and just owned it!!!
Although it wasn't the best behaviour, it was good to see a female character take on that kind of role. Usually it's a guy and they get applauded for being a player so it was good to see that it happens in women too.
I loved how Sophie owned her confidence and had the most fun she could with it before settling down.
2. Jack and Jess' glitch in their relationship.
It showed that no matter what happens in a marriage, as long as you deeply love the person you are with, you can get through anything.
I loved watching them struggle and then getting to watch them figure it out and come out better off. They showed vulnerability and they showed unconditional love that showed no matter what happens to this pair, they always come back together!
3. Juliet moving to Vegas and learning from the mistake!
Around Chapter 97 (Bad Desire) after living in Vegas for a while, Juliet realised it wasn't right. Instead of remaining there and staying unhappy she instead decided to get out of there and go back to Brighton.
It was a huge thing because we finally saw a stronger side to her as she began to stick up to Matt and not just do things because she knew they made him happy. Previously she had seemed so besotted by him in 'young love' that she would do anything he wanted. However, this was a first step in her making her own decisions.
She knew what was right for her and she acted on it.
4. Jay running the gang.
I just loved this in general as throughout the whole of Bad Desire we just got to see a different side to Jay. He was still heartless a lot of the time but he showed a more sensitive side too.
Running the gang with a lot of responsibility and I think he dealt with it amazingly well right up until the end. He kept everyone safe and always put everyone else before him, even to the point of faking his own death so those he cared about could live a happy and comfortable life.
5. The garage guys!!
I can't remember what chapters/books as it was in many different ones but these were my favourite for a long time while reading. I love all of the garage guys and I always loved reading the chapters with them in! There was something about reading their conversations that always made me laugh and I loved getting caught up in the way they thought about things (in that typical boyish way).
I also loved watching them grow as they got older... taking Aaron and Zaiden from example, they went from huge party animals to besotted family men.
6. Sophie's work ethic.
As I have mentioned before, I LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing a girl fighting through every stereotype there is. She worked so hard through all of her years in this book, moving from one work position to another, even as a mum she has kept it going.
She has always been so passionate about what she does and earning her own money and making a career for herself that it always gave me so much motivation. I felt her determination and I was always so excited seeing her work her arse off and own it.
I loved it when Erika went for the job as her assistant and Sophie was literally gobsmacked as how she had put in zero effort. She really made a point of getting her to realise it wasn't something that came easy and she had to work for it.
Okay hey hey hey hey!!!!! This post is so exciting because it confirms that there IS GOING TO BE A SPIN OFF!!!!! How long will it be? I d...
Spin Off?!?!?!
How long will it be? I don't know. Anything from one off chapters to a few more.
What will it be like? It probably won't follow a story like structure and instead will probably just be scenes. However, some parts may follow after each other.
Where will it be posted? Probably wattpad.
When will it be posted? Once the epilogue is finished.
How often will it be posted? Not as much as bad desire was and instead just random chapters whenever lucie feels like it.
there is no commitment to this story and it's just a bit of fun to explore the characters in different ways. However, I am excited that there is a spin off and below is a little sneak peak of it.
There is a collection of character profiles for the main characters (there may be more added) and it shows the characters age, a bit about them and how their life currently is!
Jess Montague
Relationships aren't something that are accepted in the gang therefore, the pair do a lot of sneaking around to spend time together without making things official.
The brothers don't get on at all and act as complete enemies.
Sophie Carter
OKAY so the chapter happened and I cried. Jay actually got killed and the way it happened was so incredible. It's BEYOND SAD that he...
RIP Jay Gibson
How insane is that??!!
Jay Gibson actually managed to take on all of those guys even though he did lose his life in the process.
I think that chapter made it clear just how selfless Jay could be. He wasn't always the nicest person and did do some shit things but at the end of it all, he put everyone else before him.
Why did he make plans with Lauren when he knew what was going to happen?
I have two guesses for why this may be...
1. He did it to prevent her from worrying and potentially provide her with some comfort.
Maybe he wanted to make sure she was okay and happy before he left. He knew filling her with some hope and excitement instead of sadness. Maybe it was also an attempt to get her to leave Brighton as he thought even though he wasn't actually going to be there with her, she would still do it.
2. He actually thought he would make it out alive.
Maybe he didn't think things would go as badly as they would. Maybe he had a speck of hope that eh would survive and they could leave together.
Jess Lawrence 18 - Living life as she always had as a gang member. 19 - Met Jack, starting seeing each other & fell pregnant jus...
LET'S HAVE A CATCH UP - Jess Lawrence
18 - Living life as she always had as a gang member.
19 - Met Jack, starting seeing each other & fell pregnant just before she turned 20.
She was spending a lot of time with him which the gang didn't like and neither did Jack's friend. It was made worse when she fell pregnant. However, both of them ignored their comments and continued happily.
20 - She moved into an apartment with Jack and Ellie was born.
She had previously been living alone as she moved out of the gang house for personal reasons.
Jess then settled into 'mum life' with Jack and learned to cope with being young parents and also their still very new relationship.
21 - Jess fell pregnant with Harvey.
It was a year later when Jess and Jack made the crazy decision to have another baby. It was a huge surprise to everyone as they had previously been not the parent types however, after Ellie they realised how much they loved it.
22 - Harvey was born and Jess moved into a new house with Jack.
Their family was growing and they decided to take that next step in their relationship. Jess was still juggling mum life while working in the gang at this point which was a bit nerve wracking for them all due to the safety.
23 - Jess was spending some time in Vegas with the gang and she also announced yet another pregnancy with Mia.
This pregnancy wasn't planned however, it was very much appreciated. She was extremely nervous as the gang was getting intense at this time.
24 - Jess was caught in a bad accident due to the gang. Mia was born and Jess decided to quit the gang.
It was for the safety of her family that she made this decision and as much as she missed it, she knew it was the right thing to do.
Also 24 - Jess and Jack got engaged and also married!
There were some positive things to come along with her sad leave from the gang.
25 - Jess fell pregnant with Addie.
Addie was born but prematurely. Jess and Jack went through a tough time because of this. They broke up.
They were both dealing with Addie's situation differently and it lead to a lot of arguments. The pair ended up breaking up as it was all getting too much and began seeing other people. Jess was briefly seeing a guy called Wyatt and her and Jay had a very brief thing.
26 - Jack suffered a bad accident and as a result serve memory loss. Jess dedicated a huge amount of her time in helping him get better.
She was by his side and guiding him through recovery. It could have been a much worse outcome but they were extremely lucky and things improved. This was a huge test for their relationship but they worked through it just fine.
28 - Jay returned to Brighton and this was when him and Jess finally reconnected. It took some time but she managed to get through to him. Jess fell pregnant with Theo. Jess and Jack also went through a tough time due to finding out that Jack was Kian's dad.
29 - Jess and Jay's friendship continued to be rekindled and they ended up kissing.
This caused minor issues, yet they were resolved. Jess was confused by her antics with Jay at first but knew that there was nothing more to it. Jack was always the person she wanted to be with.
Also 29 - Jess celebrated her 10 years of marriage with Jack.
They managed to push past the tough times and focus on the good times. They celebrated their 10 years in Paris and took the title of the longest lasting couple haha! GOALS.
Also 29 - Theo was born!
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