Sophie and Aaron: I am in love with their relationship. I know they went through some struggles during the first half of the ...
2:1 - sum up and SNEAK peaks
Walking into the old building, Sophie felt a chill down her spine as she looked around at the familiarity of this place. It wasn’t exactly ...
2:1 Sneak Peak!
1. Sophie and Juliet - parents The story left off with Sophie and Juliet's parents coming back to Brighton to live with them due to...
2:1 hints and what's to come
The story left off with Sophie and Juliet's parents coming back to Brighton to live with them due to Juliet struggling at school and the rumors that were going around about her.
This storyline will continue and we will see the struggles they have with having their parents back and what could come of this.
It may also put a strain on Sophie's and Juliet's relationship as they both have very different ways of dealing with it.
2. Jack and Jess
The last chapter of these two was when Jack stayed over Jess' and they kissed! There was a comment about that being the first time both of them had experienced those intense feelings but for different reasons - this will soon become more clear.
3. Aaron and Sophie's rocky relationship
Sophie and Aaron's relationship has been rocky from the start of the story and just as things get good again, something ruins it. We know that Sophie not going to Aaron's fights bothers him and we know that Candice always being around and Aaron not showing much sensitivity bothers Sophie. Therefore, we will find out whether they learn to overcome these differences or if things do have to come to an end.
4. Juliet and Brad
We know that Juliet really liked Brad however, he then spread that huge rumor about them sleeping together to which she stuck up for herself about, like a boss! We will find out if she forgives him and continues to go after him like she did before (i'm hoping she gets some sense and doesn't).
5. Who is Matt?
There will be a particular scene that introduces Matt so there isn't much to give away however, he is a 17 year old sixth form student and is new to the school Juliet and Bella are at.
6. Who is Corey?
He's friends with Jack - they are both on the same uni football team. He will also become quite a big part in this story (but with both similar and different personality traits to those he holds in Bad Desire). He's still a bit of a player - much like Jack in many ways and that's all there is to giveaway for now.
7. Brooklyn Lawrence comes to Brighton
Jess is going to meet Jack's little brother unexpectedly.
The story is going to cover the lives of the main characters which include:
1. Jess Montague
2. Sophie Carter
3. Juliet Carter
4. Jack Lawrence
5. Aaron Harris
They will each have their own storyline which you can follow along with and it will tried to be written in a way that covers enough about each one.
It will be like 5 different stories, all put into one - with the additional characters playing key roles.
2:1 MIGHT be coming back so here is an updated profile of the characters in case it does... Jess Montague Age: 21 Psycholo...
2:1 Character Profile Update
OK... so the title was a bit misleading haha! But this post is to focus on what the remaining chapters mean for the end of bad desire and wh...
1. Jay and Lauren
We know that Jay is getting serious with Lauren and that he really likes her. We also know that he was very eager to get divorced from Steph so does this mean he wants to propose to Lauren?
If he does, this could also be a hint that things are about to get disastrous. He was engaged to Nessa and that never worked out so this could possibly be time repeating itself once again?
2. Juliet is pregnant
We know that Matt and Juliet seem to move very quickly... when it comes to kids and marriage. Therefore, maybe this baby is also a jump too soon?
We know Matt wasn't too keen before he knew she was pregnant so maybe it's a sign that he's going to find it all too much once again and not stick around.
Especially with Jay back in the picture, there is a risk that if Lauren and Jay don't last, they could join forces and start the gang up properly again.
4. Sophie/Kaia/Corey/Aaron
In previous books we saw a Sophie, Aaron and Corey love triangle going on and it caused a lot of drama however, all was finally resolved and Sophie and Aaron ended up together.
Is this Corey/Kaia/Sophie drama the start of that behaviour reoccurring. I think it's already obvious that Corey wouldn't turn Sophie down if that offer happened however, Sophie is the one I have trouble deciding about.
Half of me thinks if she was placed in a certain situation, she might fall back into old habits with Corey. I still think she has a lot of her old self inside and it's just a matter of who/when for whether it comes out or not.
I'm not sure that she sees Corey as 'husband/boyfriend' material... Aaron is definitely that for her however, I do think she does still have a sensitive spot for him as it's a sense of excitement.
I also think that Aaron has calmed down a lot since marriage and that Corey still holds that spark of mischief/drama that Sophie clearly longs for. I think Corey would involve a lot more trouble for Sophie (something she doesn't need but seems to gravitate towards). However, Aaron keeps her a bit more calm and prevents her from getting involved in antics and doing stuff Estee probably did at Sophie's age (which lead to a lot of screw ups).
.... and I also thinks she loves having them both wanting her... I mean come on, what girl wouldn't want two guys chasing after them? haha
I also think Kaia is fully aware of this, hence why she got so upset/angry. She likes Corey a lot and feels like Sophie could snatch Corey up if she wanted to so feels threatened... even though it's her friend.
If any of this is right then it could mean that the antics that occurred in their 20's, might just happen as the finale of the bad desire (SITC) ending.
4. Jack is working long hours again!
It was mentioned that the long hours are just because he is busy at work however, we know how sensitive Jack is to stress. Therefore, the fact he is currently living away from Jess and is fighting a court case with Jazmine over Kian, is going to make him really vulnerable.
If he doesn't turn to Jess for the support he needs there is a high risk that he could fall back into that horrible state he got himself into before.
And if I want to read into this anymore than I already am... If the Sophie/Corey thing happens, that leaves Kaia free and could mean them two experience something between them once again.
This would also bring them back to their 20's antics.
As we saw in the previous chapter, Kaia and Corey slept together over Christmas!!!!! I am half shocked and half not as there is something a...
Kaia and Corey's antics PLUS Sophie/Corey friendship
I am half shocked and half not as there is something about them both that makes me feel like they will always go back to each other to mess around.
I think it's going to be a really complicated situation because Kaia obviously likes him and Corey still has his mind set on not settling down. We also know he has a girlfriend, so I'm curious as to what is going to happen there.
Secondly, I am also SO happy that Sophie and Corey are in a chapter together again. This is probably an unpopular opinion but I LOVED the chapters where there was that kind of love triangle with her, Aaron and Corey.
I love their friendship and I love how honest and brutal they are with each other. I also love that we know how attracted Corey is to Sophie (and probably always will be) and how he uses this to annoy Aaron too. It's such harmless fun that takes them back to their reckless 20's and I love it!
We will see a bit more of Corey as he's not leaving Brighton yet... and will he really leave for good again or will he decide to stay? Hmmm...
If he stays and goes back to the garage we know it will not only cause some tension with him and Aaron working together again but it also means it gives him and Kaia more opportunities to mess around!
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