Okay so I asked Lucie a bunch of questions about the Bad Desire update and she answered them! There are more to come, I just didn't want...
My Questions on the Bad Desire Update Answered!
Will Sophie ever be happy?
Yes and no. Sophie's happy is so so different to the others. Her job is obviously a key part of what makes her happy and in terms of relationships, she doesn't really have one person who makes her happy. Like Jess has Jack and Juliet has Matt, Aaron isn't really that for Sophie. She gets bored easily in relationships, so her moving from one to another, isn't because she's necessarily unhappy, it's just boredom.
Her family has never been that close so she's not used to relying on other people for happiness. She's had it drummed in her that you get it for yourself. So yeaah!
That didn't really answer the question very well but.....
What were your intentions behind Juliet's character?
I wanted her to be the most relatable (out of the females). Obviously Jess and Sophie have aspects about them which are a bit out there and not so realistic therefore, I wanted at least one character that was more realistic.
She's kind of the calm within all the storm and drama.
Although she's not always been a huge part in some of the stories, I love love her character for so many reasons! I think she's been through so much that you wouldn't realise, from the bigger things like divorce, adoption etc... to other things that you wouldn't think are a big deal... e.g. her friendship with Sophie. That's never been easy and yeah, so she's always been important.
Is there a character in the story that you have based off yourself?
Most of them! I always take stuff from my own experiences and then use that in different characters depending on the storyline.
Which character is your favourite, if you were forced to pick?
That's too difficult, I love them all for different reasons!!! But Jay has always been a favourite because he does such horrid stuff and still gets away with it. I think he's impossible to hate.
Are Jack and Jess still your favourite couple?
Yes! Always will be. They're the perfect family to give the story the tiniest bit of fairytale in it haha! It may not be everyone's fairytale but if I have what they do when I am 42 I'd be happy haha!
Okay so there was hidden meanings behind a lot of that chapter which were intentional so I get to share them with you through this post haha...
Hidden Meanings - Chapter Ice Queen & my views on Sophie
1. Sophie telling Aaron smoking is bad and then doing it herself:
She immediately contradicts herself. From Aaron's pov this just shows her being controlling. She was constantly telling him not to do things in their relationship yet she would always do what she wanted and never listen.
Sophie smoking is also a representation of her dark side. She had a scene similar to this with Todd and that signified her falling into her dangerous ways. Therefore, be prepared for the problematic side of Sophie to come out again (think back to Elliot-Aaron-Corey drama time).
2. The whole dialog from Aaron which I'll quote below...
"The fact that I can't even fight for my own daughter because I have no chance in winning. How do I compete with you, when I know you'd happily get your mum to win your case? How do I fight a woman who could practically buy her way into getting what she wants? So instead, I've just sat back out of fear of losing her completely. I've played by your rules because it's the much easier option."
Sophie's response was ..."that twisted outlook on me and life in general confirms all of my original beliefs about you."
Basically what Sophie is saying here is that what Aaron has just said has gone against everything she believes to be true about herself and that even after their long relationship together he is still seeing her wrongly.
For example:
He said that Sophie would get her mum to win her case.
To Sophie, she takes that as he is implying she isn't capable in doing it herself. Yeah, practically her mum is a lawyer so he obviously didn't mean it like she is taking it. However, to her she is viewing it as she has always tried to force her independence and capabilities in people's faces yet Aaron clearly still doesn't see it. He always made out he did but Sophie never believed it.
Their relationship started off with him just wanting to sleep with her like many of the other guys in the garage so she thinks he always saw her that way. We may know that's not true but thats what she believes.
Another example:
Aaron said that she could buy her way into getting what she wanted.
To Aaron, he was probably just saying that she's incredibly well off compared to him. He couldn't afford the support she could to win the case. However, to Sophie she sees this as a dig at her job once again. She thinks he just sees her job as a money digging action and doesn't see that she does it for the passion.
He was never 100% supportive of her career wise (or they'd still be together) and she always believed that he didn't fully understand even when he made out he did.
Another example:
Aaron said 'I've played by your rules because it's the much easier option'
In Aaron's mind, he's always done what Sophie wanted. He's always given her everything and done things her way. In Sophie's mind however, she sees this as confirmation that he was always blinded to everything she had done for him.
She didn't move away, she stayed in Brighton for him, she moved back from London for him and moved back from New York the first time for him. She didn't put everything into her job because she wanted to work at their relationship.
She thinks he doesn't realise how much she really did for him and to Sophie, that comment confirms it.
3. This follows on from that last example... the end scene where Aaron asks 'what's that supposed to mean?' and Sophie takes the cigarette from him, smokes it and then drops it to the floor and squashes it signifies the way she looked out for him and did loads for him in her mind.
She told him smoking isn't good for him, however, by smoking it herself she is showing that she's willing to get involved in his mess to help him. (it obviously doesn't exactly work like that with smoking, he doesn't need her to smoke to make him stop - she wasn't trying to make it literal). Instead, it was just a gesture to express that she always put her own self at risk or under stress to support him through their relationship. She doesn't think he did the same for her.
Be your own judge of that!
Yeah so those are the hidden meanings behind a few of the things in that chapter.
Overall, it is displaying how messed up their relationship is.and I personally think that although Aaron is childish, Sophie always takes it a step too far. She loves being in control and I really don't think she is hurt or affected by things as much as she acts like she is.
I think she would be the queen of crocodile tears. She would probably do whatever to get Aaron to crave her and run after her once again, especially seeing this new situation with his new girlfriend. She would pretend to care and be sad or whatever but I think on the inside she wouldn't really feel much.
I find Sophie so difficult to work out! I can't decide if she just really doesn't do love or if she has had bad luck. I was convinced Jace was the one but now I really don't know!!!
So with Jess rejoining the gang for a few jobs, this means both Jess and Jazmine need to work together. The question is, will they manage ...
SNEAK PEAK: Jess & Jazmine
The question is, will they manage to do it without wanting to hurt each other???
Probably not!
Here is a sneak peak:
"You don't need to be here." Jess ordered as she walked past her sister, whose eyes were literally burning into her skin.
"Excuse me?" Jazmine immediately reacted by standing to her feet, providing herself with more height in an attempt to look threatening.
Pausing on the spot, Jess slowly turned around before strutting back over to her until their bodies were near enough touching.
"I said, you don't need to be here." She repeated herself with pure hatred laced in her voice. "So you can leave now."
Both girls remained toe to toe, as they held each others gaze; neither one wanted to be the first to turn away. Seconds which felt more like minutes passed until Jazmine was the first to react by lifting her lips into a smug smile and taking a step back.
"Wow, look at this!" She called out to capture everyone else's attention. "This piece of shit comes walking back in here like she owns the place, when she's probably forgotten how to hold a weapon."
Reaching her hand out to place on Jess' shoulder, Jazmine was working her magic to appear as patronising as possible. She knew the right buttons to press and she was going to do everything she could to chase Jess as far away from this gang as possible.
"Don't worry darling, we'll teach you... but sit the fuck down and do as you're told first."
So we found out in the recent chapter that Jess was the one keeping the secret! She has been out on a job with the gang without telling anyo...
Jess' secret! - What this could mean???
Although I am shocked, I also a little happy to see her bad side back. I always loved gang Jess even when she was really mean so this is great haha
I do think Jess going on another job with them will only tempt her into joining full time once again. I really do believe that there is a huge chance she will become a permanent member. They only thing that will stop her is her family - which is a huge part.
It's obvious how annoyed Jack will be but if Jess wants it that badly I don't think she'll listen.
I think she finds some comfort in being reunited with all her old gang members. She may have been going through a strange time in her life where she didn't know what she wanted or maybe she felt lost and this seemed like the answer.
We all know how persuasive Jay is regardless of how stubborn Jess is. I think she listens to him more than she lets on.
They both of them are really close and I think they will both find a lot of happiness being reunited in something they are both amazing at doing.
Do I think there is a chance in them getting really close again and potentially doing something others may not approve of?
Yes... I think there is a chance. Jess trusts Jay a lot and she has to hold even more trust in him when they are working together. Therefore, that close relationship they hold while in a gang and working together could get mixed up with deeper feelings.
Jay appeared to have changed a lot but I think he still has his gang ways. He may have grown up and be more mature but he's still the same gang member and I think he'll always have feelings for Jess. She was his first love.
I also think there is more of a chance that Jess will share those feelings for him. I think the fact that he has grown up a lot and hold more maturity will be something Jess is attracted to. He has shown what he is like in a real relationship and she may be lured in by that!
We also don't know a lot about Lauren! We know Jess and Jack are definitely still together but we still haven't found out where Jay and Lauren are in their relationship. There could be issues there or they could be perfectly fine but I guess we'll have to wait and see!
So there have been a few Bad Desire Update chapters posted and so far it all seems mostly happy, so I am happy! I love it! However, I don...
Bad Desire Update Drama!
One - Sophie's return.
We already know that Sophie doesn't speak to her old friends in Brighton. She seems very content with her life in New York and she doesn't seem to ever want to leave, even to visit Brighton.
However, I think that she will go back as Jace wants to and I bet that will cause some drama! It might be because arguments are caused over them not keeping in touch. Or it might be because Sophie is now more distant than ever due to her new crazy life in New York.
Or it might be because she feels left out when she sees everyone else is still close or grown closer. It could even be between Sophie and Aaron. - We don't know how they are with each other now but their may be tension there.
Two - Jess and Jack drama: Jay's return.
There has always been tension between Jack and Jay and by the character profiles we know Jay is back in Brighton. Jay did start to become a lot more tame and easier to get along with when he left the gang however, he is now back in it! Therefore, him returning may kick up some drama.
What if him and Jess get close again? What if for some reason Jess and Jack distance from each other and she turns to Jay.
What if Jess gets closer to Jay without Jack even knowing? That's happened before! OR it could be Jack getting close to another girl. We had the drama before where Jess got suspicious of his texts with a girl when she was ill.
Three - Juliet and Matt.
They finally seem quite content in their relationship and this may be too good to be true. Therefore, there could be drama to follow whether it's due to the new born baby or something else.
We know that James now has a son and obviously Juliet and Dylan are both going to want to spend time with him. Maybe this brings the Ellards closer to Juliet and Matt might not like this?
Or maybe the drama will have something to do with Jay? He's back in the gang and now Matt isn't but will Jay try and persuade him to rejoin?
So here is the first trailer for Bad Desire 2.0! This is based on Sophie and is a trailer to what her life involves now + what to expect. ...
Bad Desire FF 2.0 Trailer 1
There will be one of these for Juliet and Jess too & they will be posted alongside their first update chapters :) Enjoy.
Jay Gibson Age: 43 Lives: Brighton Occupation: Gang Leader (Played by Alex Pettyfer) Lauren Nieves Jay...
Bad Desire Update - Character Profile 4
The Lawrences Dan Lawrence Age: 64 Lives: Brighton Occupation: Lawrence Garage Louise Lawrence Age: 62 Lives: Br...
Bad Desire Update - Character Profile 3
Blog Archive
- My Questions on the Bad Desire Update Answered!
- Hidden Meanings - Chapter Ice Queen & my views on ...
- SNEAK PEAK: Jess & Jazmine
- Jess' secret! - What this could mean???
- Bad Desire Update Drama!
- Bad Desire FF 2.0 Trailer 1
- Bad Desire Update - Character Profile 4
- Bad Desire Update - Character Profile 3
- Bad Desire Update - Character Profile 2
- Bad Desire Update - Character Profile 1
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