As he did that, Harvey did the same and just as the pair of them escaped, Taj also jumped in to pull them apart.
It had been about a couple of hours since Harvey had left them at the pier therefore, TJ was surprised to see him making his way b...
Part 44 - Bad Desire: New Generation (2)
As he did that, Harvey did the same and just as the pair of them escaped, Taj also jumped in to pull them apart.
"What was it that you needed to tell me, Grace?" Harvey asked as he took a seat on the sofa, opposite to the one that Grace ha...
Part 43 - Bad Desire: New Generation (1)
"What was it that you needed to tell me, Grace?" Harvey asked as he took a seat on the sofa, opposite to the one that Grace had sat on.
"What do you mean?" She asked, a little confused at what he was referring to.
They had walked into his apartment a matter of minutes ago, so there had been no obvious lead to that question.
"TJ told me that you had something to tell me."
"TJ? What do you mean?"
Harvey wasn't sure if Grace just wasn't catching on with what he was saying or if she was trying to stall the moment. However, after what TJ had said to him tonight there was no chance he could go to sleep without hearing it.
"He said it was something to do with Max but he didn't get to finish because you interrupted." Harvey explained and his tone was so cold, as though he was already expecting the worst.
Harvey's words alongside his coldness were enough to make Grace's stomach drop. She knew exactly what Harvey was referring to now and it made her feel physically sick. This was exactly what she didn't want to happen. She wanted to be the one to tell Harvey before things got twisted between this group.
Grace had been waiting until the morning to explain it in the most sensitive way possible. She hadn't wanted to do it tonight because their drunken states were capable of blowing things up more than they needed to be.
"I know what he's talking about..." Grace began, trying to keep her voice calm. "But I really want to talk about this in the morning Harvey, when we're both sober."
"But I want to talk about it now." Harvey retaliated, barely even giving Grace chance to finish her sentence. "What is going on?"
"Harvey, please..."
"No, just tell me now, or I won't be sleeping. What is going on?"
It was clear that Harvey was getting himself incredibly worked up and Grace could only imagine the scenarios running through his head.
She didn't want to do this now. Grace knew that it would only make matters ten times worse. However, she also knew that if she continued to try and push the subject away, then it was only going to cause more aggravation for Harvey.
The guys had stupidly put her in a lose-lose situation and she hated them for it. Instead of putting it into perspective and being considerate of everyone involved, they had jumped straight in planted the seed in Harvey.
"What is it, Grace?" Harvey asked once again, when she had been silent for too long.
At that point Grace had very little choice but to give in.
"This whole thing is fucked up but I need you to try and understand my decision to keep this quiet." Grace began, attempting to emphasise that point, knowing how bad it would look otherwise.
Playing with her hands in her lap, Grace felt completely out of control, vulnerable even; something she did not experience that often.
"I told you... I told everyone that I didn't know who Brinley's dad was, right?"
Harvey barely even nodded his head, as that sentence alone was enough to signify where she was going with this, even in his drunken state of mind.
"I lied, I did know, I always have but I decided to act like he didn't exist. Max is Brinley's dad, he's the guy that got me pregnant and then fucked off like it wasn't his responsibility. He's the idiot that got a lucky escape while I was left alone, feeling absolutely terrified."
With tears brimming her eyes, Grace stopped talking when she noticed Harvey's still state. He hadn't said a word, he had barely shifted in his seat and she couldn't figure out what was going through his mind.
"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you... I didn't tell anyone. I just wanted to pretend that he didn't exist, like he pretended that Brinley didn't."
When Harvey ran his hands through his hair, that was the first movement from him in the past minute. Although there was some relief that he hadn't completely shut down, he still wasn't looking Grace in the eye and that had her nervous.
"Is that why he went away for a year?" Harvey asked as his focus remained on the floor. His voice was monotone and quiet, sending a chill down Grace's spine.
"Yes, I think so..."
Max had never admitted to that however, it had all been perfect timing. After Grace had told him the news, it hadn't been long until he'd jumped into plans of travelling the world. Then with Harvey's help on picking the best spots, he'd got on a flight and not looked back until a year later.
"Fuck." Harvey bit as he slammed his fist against the sofa. "Fuck, fuck."
It was so unusual to ever see Harvey angry, so even that simple gesture caused a gasp to fall from Grace's lips. She wanted to get up and hug him, to ease any of the emotions that he was currently feeling but she couldn't. She didn't know where his anger was directed right now. At her? At Max? At them both? Therefore, she stayed put and just watched as he stood to his feet.
"Where are you going?" She asked as he began heading straight for the apartment door.
Pausing as he reached it, Grace was so sure that he was going to turn around but he didn't. Instead, he remained facing the door as he spoke.
"Out, I just need to get out."
"Harvey, please, don't leave." Grace pleaded with him, not knowing what he was going to do but needing him to stay put. Not only did she want him to calm down before he reacted, she also wanted his comfort, she was craving it.
Grace knew that this was hard for him, Max was his best friend. However, she was now terrified that the lifelong friendship the two of them had would overpower the relationship she had with Harvey.
There was no guarantee that he would perceive his friend in a bad light for what he did. It didn't matter how much he cared for Grace or Brinely in this situation, Max had been in his life the longest.
"I need to talk to you about this Harvey, please. Just give me five minutes, at least." Grace continued to beg in pure desperation but it was no use, Harvey's decision had been made.
Pulling open the apartment door, he left without taking a second look back.
As the door slammed behind him, Grace's face dropped to her hands as the tears finally fell from her eyes. Every emotion she had felt over the past year had come crashing down on her and made her feel weak and incapable of remaining strong.
She didn't know what Harvey was thinking or what he was feeling. Did he feel differently about her? Would this break any chance they had of making their relationship work? Would he side with Max, or would he shut them both out altogether?
None of it was clear, and that caused a sickening anxiety to run through Grace's body as she feared the absolute worst.
After Harvey and Max had persuaded Kiara to buy them a bunch of shots, Grace knew that any chance of having a sober conversation with ...
Part 42 - Bad Desire: New Generation
After Harvey and Max had persuaded Kiara to buy them a bunch of shots, Grace knew that any chance of having a sober conversation with Harvey tonight was lost. She could tell that the whole Naomi situation had bothered him and with the idea of Lottie still crying herself to sleep on his mind, he was trying everything to numb it.
Harvey was one of those people that although he was great at putting on a front, he did feel a lot. Therefore, the idea of hurting Lottie, even though he was now happier, was something that would never sit well with him.
"You okay?" Grace asked as she ran her hand over his leg. When Harvey looked at her, she could tell by his eyes alone how drunk he was.
"Yeah, baby." He muttered before leaning forward to press his lips to hers. "You want another drink?"
"No, I'm fine... I, er, actually need to get going in a minute."
"What? Why?"
Grace was usually always more than happy to be the last one standing on a night out. However, since having Brinley, sometimes she had to tone it down a little. Although she was still only 22, she was also a mum and had to know when to be mature about a situation. This was one of those times.
"My mum's been watching Brinley most of the day. I told her I'd only be here for a couple of hours." Grace explained and she had already managed to double that time limit. She was always grateful for her mum's help, so didn't want to take advantage. "You stay though. Catch up with everyone."
"It's cool." Harvey slurred, reaching out to down his drink before placing it back on the table. "I'll come with you."
"You really don't need to, Harv. Stay and have fun."
Although Grace would have preferred for Harvey to come back with her, she also knew that the guys may not be quite as impressed. It was only 10.30pm and their flow of drinks were only just getting started.
"Or..." Harvey began before a cheeky grin appeared across his face. "...I could come back with you and have way more fun."
Rolling her eyes, Grace couldn't help but laugh at that awful line. So cupping his chin, she angled his face so he was looking her directly in the eyes.
"You're so drunk. So not only was that the worst pick up line ever, there is also no chance you're getting anything tonight."
A smile spread across Harvey's face until Grace's words processed in his drunken mind and it was replaced with a frown.
"Damn! I'm not that drunk."
"Mm, I think you are." Grace remarked, while leaning in to press several kisses to his lips. "Stay and have fun, I'll see you in the morning."
"You can't ride in a taxi on your own. I'm coming with you." Harvey insisted as he attempted to stand up without tripping on his own feet. He managed it quite successfully actually, yet his balance wasn't quite up to scratch as he couldn't quite prevent himself from stumbling while stood on the flat ground.
"I would be perfectly fine, I'm more worried about you at this point."
Wrapping an arm around Harvey's back, Grace attempted to steady his body. That was quite the challenge though for her petite frame, as she struggled to hold up his weight.
"I just realised that I'm fucking shattered." Harvey muttered as he turned his head to look down at Grace. "...and that you're fucking beautiful."
Grace's mouth immediately dropped open at his drunk comment because although it was a compliment, it was also a bit of an insult.
"Excuse me? You've only just noticed?!"
"No, no, not what I meant."
"That's exactly what you said." Grace bit as she took a step back and watched as Harvey steadied himself without her support.
"I haven't only just realised." Harvey was shaking his head and desperately trying to climb himself out of the hole he had dug. However, it wasn't proving so easy to do when his own mind was a jumbled mess right now. "Or I wouldn't have slept with you the first time."
While Taj and Reece were watching Harvey in amusement, Grace was not so impressed. His drunk mind thought he was saying all of the right things when in actual fact it was the opposite.
"I wouldn't sleep with someone I didn't fancy, you know? So course I've always known that you're beautiful."
"Go on, keep talking Harvey Lawrence!" Grace exasperated, waving her hands in the air. "You're going to need more than a shovel to get yourself out of this one soon."
Harvey quickly shifted his attention away from Grace and over to the guys before flashing the cheekiest grin.
"Boys, get your shovels! I'm gonna need a bit of help."
While Reece and Taj pretended to grab fake shovels, causing Harvey to mimic them, Grace just stood before them in disbelief.
"Are you lot five years old or something?" She asked while trying not to laugh. She was going to blame their odd behaviour on the alcohol however, they were just as bad when they were sober.
"I meant you look beautiful tonight, that dress and everything is hot." Harvey continued to say whatever he could in an attempt to save himself.
"Alright babe..." Grace replied in a mocking tone as she ran her hand up Harvey's chest. "I'm going to call us a taxi while you figure out how to get yourself out of that hole, alright?"
As Grace headed off to find somewhere quiet, TJ came jogging over to join Harvey and the other guys. His timing was perfect for Grace's departure and there was a good reason for that.
"Lawrence! Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked, before urging that they head off away from the group.
Glimpsing from the guys back to TJ, Harvey then nodded his head and followed him.
"Everything alright?"
TJ looked suspiciously on edge and Harvey couldn't help but think this could be his fault. Naomi was still annoyed at him for the way he spoke to her in front of them all, so he wasn't being let off easy tonight.
"Yeah, I just needed to say something before you head off."
"What's up?"
Shuffling on his feet, TJ looked incredibly uncomfortable for the first time ever.
"T, what's going on?"
"I would have felt like a shit friend if I didn't say anything." TJ began as he glimpsed over in the direction of their friends to ensure nobody was coming over. "But, Max told me something, granted he's pissed, but he was serious and I don't think it's fair not to warn you."
Harvey suddenly felt incredibly on edge. He didn't know where TJ was going with this but it didn't sound great.
"Max wants to tell you but apparently Grace has insisted on doing it, so he hasn't got much choice but to keep quiet." TJ continued and Harvey's heart dropped at the mention of those two names together. He was instantly making assumptions of what could have happened when he was gone.
"What does he want to tell me?" Harvey asked and his tone had switched to something more serious.
"Apparently he is..." TJ began to say before he noticed a figure making her way over to them. Grace was completely unaware of the conversation they were sharing but she had stepped in at a good time to get it stopped. "...never mind. You need to talk to Grace about it. She needs to tell you, so ask her tonight."
"Ask Grace what?" Harvey exasperated, clearly frustrated that he was so in the unknown.
Signalling with his head in the direction of Grace, TJ was trying to get his friend to realise who was making their way over. So when Harvey turned his head and spotted Grace, the realisation finally dawned on him and he turned his attention back to TJ.
"Is it bad?"
"Pretty bad." TJ replied and that was enough to send a chill down Harvey's spine.
"I apologise in advance for whatever shit Naomi says to you, Harv." TJ chuckled, as he watched the girls head in their ...
Part 41 - Bad Desire: New Generation
"I apologise in advance for whatever shit Naomi says to you, Harv." TJ chuckled, as he watched the girls head in their direction.
After a week on holiday, the group of them had finally returned home last night, and were adamant on coming today to catch up with both Max and Harvey. Although Kiara, Poppy and Zoe were buzzing about it, Naomi wasn't so keen and there was a pretty good explanation for that.
The only reason Naomi had found herself socialising with this group of individuals was because of her relationship with TJ. However, that relationship had only developed because she happened to be one of Lottie's best friends. When Harvey and Lottie had split, it had been unexpected and also caused a little bit of tension. In other words, Harvey wasn't one of Naomi's favourite people right now.
"It's cool, don't worry about it." Harvey laughed back yet he knew she wasn't one for holding back. It was something that made her very different to Lottie and made their friendship very unusual.
"I know who should be worried though!" Taj announced before creating a drum roll sound on the table with his hands.
Taj's comment caused Grace to look up at him with a questionable look across her face. She had a feeling she knew where he was going with this and assumed it would be because of Lottie. However, he ended up proving her wrong.
"Kiara managed to chase Lottie away, I'm sure she will make her attempts at chasing you away too." Taj explained but before Grace got chance to bite back, Harvey spoke over her.
"She didn't chase Lottie away, Taj. That had nothing to do with it."
"She had a good go at it though, didn't she?"
Although Harvey knew that was true and knew that it bothered Lottie, it was something he had tried so hard to refrain from happening. Kiara didn't have a filter on her mouth or her actions. She had made many attempts to get with him since they were at school and for some reason, she wasn't really growing out of it.
As Kiara neared closer, Harvey was trying his hardest to avoid her eye contact and Grace picked up on it. So placing her hand on his leg, she then leaned in closer to him with every effort to make a point to Kiara.
"She can try all she likes." Grace bit. "It will do fuck all."
Turning his head to catch sight of the warning expression on Grace's face, Harvey couldn't help but laugh. He knew that Grace wasn't bluffing, she wouldn't let that girl get away with anything.
"Look who it is!" Kiara yelled; her high pitched voice spreading across the whole bar. "My favourite boys are back!"
Instantly making her way over to Max, Kiara took a seat on his lap before wrapping her arms around his neck.
"How was it? Travelling and all? You got a bit of a tan but not much." Kiara observed as she leaned back to examine his face.
"This skin just burns, I gotta fake it if I want some colour." Max remarked, knowing that Kiara would be the first to offer to do it for him, considering she had been making offers for years.
"And Harvey Lawrence..." Kiara's attention was quickly turned to the less enthusiastic male sat before her. "How is Cambridge? Are you loving it?"
"Yeah, babe. It's cool, thanks." He said, trying to keep it short and sweet, in hope her attention would be drawn elsewhere.
"I saw your new car. You've got to let me have a ride in that. I bet it's fucking amazing!"
"You might have to wait your turn on that." Harvey began before Grace immediately but in.
"Girlfriend gets first dibs." She remarked with a smile on her face, yet if looks could kill, Kiara would be on the floor right now.
"Oh yeah babes, you two are a thing right?" Kiara continued to act unfazed by Grace's warning remark, as she flicked her dark hair off her right shoulder. "It's cute."
Grace knew she didn't mean that and if she did, she meant it in the worst possible way. Kiara wasn't one for giving compliments, nor caring about many other people but herself.
"I'm totally rooting for you!"
"Oh yeah?" Grace asked with raised eyebrows, yet the tone in her voice was clear that she didn't believe a word.
"Yeah! It would be a bloody miracle if you don't end up being a rebound. Harvey was with Lottie for so long, right Naomi?"
As Kiara turned her head on search for Lottie's best friend to come into view, she was finally met with a confused expression. It was obvious that even Naomi was confused as to why Kiara was taking Lottie's side, as that had never happened before. However, she did quickly compose herself because she was still fuming at Harvey for breaking Lottie's heart.
"9 long years." Naomi commented, as she took a seat beside TJ. He immediately reacted by urging her into his side and kissing her cheek. He was trying to remove her attention from the brewing drama, wanting to save Harvey from this backlash right now.
"Shit. They were close to marriage and everything!"
"It's quite hard to believe someone could be so fucking stupid to end that, just for the sake of hooking up with a bunch of girls." Naomi bit as she turned to look at Harvey. "It's adorable to see that you've settled now but how were they; all of those other girls? Did you get it out of your system?"
TJ could tell that Harvey was trying to remain composed, while Grace could feel his hand tense in hers. He understood exactly where Naomi was coming from but he didn't feel the need to have this conversation here. In addition, if he had settled things with Lottie, then he didn't understand why it had to be anyone else's issue.
"Naomi." TJ jumped in to warn his overly vocal girlfriend. "Stop it."
"What? I'm just asking a question, I'm curious." Naomi bit back, as she shifted away from him at the same time.
"No, you're trying to cause shit. So stop it."
"Oh, of course you're going to jump on his defense because it's all lads, lads, lads, isn't it?! I'm sure you'll all join in too, right?" Naomi continued with clear frustration in her voice, as she glared around at each of the guys. "Who gives a shit how Lottie feels in all of this?"
"Naomi..." Harvey breathed, letting go of Grace's hand and resting his against the table. "I know you're pissed but I've spoken to Lottie so you don't need to restart a drama. We're good."
"Of course she's going to tell you that. You didn't have to watch her cry for weeks on end."
"Naomi! For fuck sake!" TJ bit once again with clear aggravation on his face however, his tone didn't go down too well with the brunette either.
Flashing him a look, she didn't say a word before standing to her feet and storming off over to the bar. Glimpsing over at his friends, TJ rolled his eyes before letting out a long sigh.
"I'm going to need more than this one drink. Lord fucking help me." He said as he held the glass up before rising to follow her.
"Sorry man, this is my fault." Harvey apologised, as he knew this was not going to be an easy battle for his friend and would probably ruin his whole night.
"Nah, don't worry about it. She shouldn't be bringing this shit up now anyway."
As TJ got to his feet and followed his very frustrated girlfriend to the bar, Kiara began clapping her hands once he had left.
"Well shit! The drama never ends, does it?" She laughed while finding a lot of joy in this. "We all just got back and it kicks off."
"You're really loving this, aren't you?" Grace bit, not being able to contain her anger for this girl right now. "You just stirred that up perfectly to cause a scene before sitting back like you had nothing to do with it."
"I was just pointing out facts, babes." Kiara shrugged her shoulders and as Grace was about to bite back once again, Harvey squeezed her thigh in an attempt to stop her.
When she turned to look at him, he didn't say anything before turning his attention back to Kiara.
"How about you get the next round of drinks, Kiara?" Harvey suggested in a calm tone but with other motives behind it. "I'm sure Max and I would love a welcome home shot or two."
Pursing her lips, Kiara spun her head around, causing her hair to whip Max across the face before flashing him a smile.
"In agreement?" She asked and he flashed Harvey a grin before nodding his head.
Zoe Jones (played by Alisha Wainwright ) Age: 24 Lives: Brighton Occupation: Drama student + part time retail assistant ...
Zoe Jones - Character Profile
Poppy Taylor (played by katherine mcnamara) Age: 25 Lives: Brighton Occupation: Trainee solicitor About: Kiara, Harv...
Poppy Taylor - Character Profile
Kiara Lòpez (played by Camila Mendes) Age: 26 Lives: Brighton Occupation: Travel Agent About: Friend of Harvey's ...
Kiara Lòpez - Character Profile
Naomi White (played by Debby Ryan) Age: 26 Lives: Brighton Occupation: Nurse About: Lottie's friend since school a...
Naomi White - Character Profile
"What are you thinking?" Jess asked Steph as they sat up the bar, sipping on their glasses of wine. Being reunited with ...
Part 40 - Bad Desire: New Generation
Being reunited with Steph had caused so much happiness in Jess, which only this woman could bring her. Everything in the world felt right when Steph was around. The pair had known one another for years and been part of each other's dramatic highs and lows. Apart from Jack and previously, Jay, no one knew Jess better than Steph did.
"We're thinking Todd has more to do with this than he is letting on." Steph answered simply and as much as Jess knew she had to consider that being a possibility, she didn't want that to be true.
If Todd was involved, that was going to hurt Sophie.
"Why do you think that?"
"He's worked with Jazmine before. The fact that he knows so much makes us think it's because he's involved in it."
"But he basically threw Jazmine under the bus by telling Matt and Jay that she's playing them. Why would he do that if he was on her side?" Jess asked, desperately wanting to find the innocence in him.
"That's the one thing I can't figure out and the one thing that's making me think he's not working with her. However, Jay thinks that it could either be part of Jazmine's plan or Todd's now trying to save himself. He could be innocent but until proved so, we have to assume he's guilty."
At the mention of Jay, Jess' heart was filled with so much warmth and relief. Even though it had been a couple of weeks since she found out the truth, she was still equally as relieved by it all.
The moment she found out that Jay was 'dating' Jazmine tore her heart in two. She hadn't wanted to believe that he wouldn't be so careless and so heartless to do that to her however, it had been difficult not to. He had been convincing.
"You okay?" Steph asked as she noticed that look across Jess' face. She knew this had been tough for her and the emotions she felt when Steph had shared the news, were still very fresh.
"Yeah... I'm fine." Jess muttered yet she was far from it. She felt full of emotions, like she could cry but she wasn't really sure why.
She guessed it was the build up of everything. She had spent the past 6 months or so thinking she had lost her best friend to her cruel sister. However, he had just sacrificed a lot of people's trust, especially hers, for the safety of his own gang and the people he cared about.
Jay had accepted Jazmine into the gang and started 'dating' her so he had full control without her knowing. He was aware that she was up to something and that she wouldn't genuinely want to work as a team like this gang did. She wanted her name remembered but Jazmine was a solo business woman and that would always remain. She was just trying to use this gang to get there, knowing there was a much higher chance of succeeding.
"Hey..." Steph reached out to give Jess' hand a reassuring squeeze. "I know it's been tough but you know that Jay would never do anything to hurt you. Ever. This gang just means he has to make shitty decisions sometimes."
"I know, I should have realised that." Jess began, feeling angry at herself for instantly just assuming the worst in him. He had been a good actor and hadn't been able to be truthful with anyone in fear of Jazmine finding out. "I just feel so relieved and emotional about the whole thing. It's pathetic really."
"No, no it's not. You thought that Jay had betrayed you and then you suddenly find out his heart is still pure... well kind of." Steph teased with a grin on her face. "It's a lot to take in."
"Is it weird to say that I'm nervous to see him?"
"Not at all."
Steph could sense the nerves radiating off of Jess. It was unusual but it showed how real their relationship was. She cared about Jay a lot and he had played a huge part in her life still to this day therefore, losing him for these past 6 months had been tough.
"Just know that he does feel guilty and that he is still stressed out by all of this. You know he hates feeling out of control."
Jess nodded her head as she could imagine the state he had been in while trying to figure this out. He had as much control over the situation as he possibly could, but there was still a lot of unanswered questions and that made it difficult.
"He's the smartest guy I know in this business, I don't think he has anything to worry about..." Jess trailed off as the doors to the bar were pushed open revealing a figure in the doorway.
He was dressed in his usual all-black attire and Jess didn't need any kind of light shone on him to know who it was. She recognised that physique and the way he held himself. It was Jay and just seeing him in person for the first time in 6 months made her heart beat so fast.
"Help yourselves why don't ya?" Jay remarked sarcastically as he came into view. His gaze flickered to the glasses in front of them before back to their faces, and when Jess captured his eyes, she saw the smile appear across his face.
It was a smile that had always managed to provide her with so much reassurance, from when she was in the gang and even now that she was out. It was a smile that shone even in the most difficult times and it made any terrifying incidents feel completely fine.
"You're slacking on stock a little, Gibson. This was the last bottle." Steph hit back, while holding the wine up in the air, causing Jay to chuckle back at her.
"Not really my main priority right now, is it?"
"A good businessman must be able to do both."
Jay couldn't help but laugh at Steph's honesty, regardless of the situation. Since he and Matt had opened this bar, she had ensured to boss him around as much as she possibly could. She knew her stuff after running one for so many years however, she would give her advice even when it wasn't asked for.
"A good businesswoman wouldn't share her tips to the competition." Jay mocked back, as Steph finally flashed him a smile which quickly turned into a chuckle. It was good to see him smile and it was good to be able to smile around him without it being tense.
They may have a long way to go but this guy wasn't letting it drag him down.
While this whole exchange had been happening between Steph and Jay, Jess had been sat in silence just watching them. Usually she wasn't one for being quiet but right now she didn't really know what to say. She didn't know how to approach Jay or how he expected her to approach him so she just remained silent. However, that silence was killing and all she really wanted to do was let him know how much she had missed him.
"Have you lost your voice or something, Jess?" Jay piped up as he shifted his attention to her.
He had clearly noticed her silence too.
"No." Jess shook her head while letting out a shy chuckle. She didn't understand what had happened to her but she needed to snap out of it before she made herself look completely pathetic. "I just don't know what to say right now..."
"How about you just come here?" Jay suggested as he opened his arms, as though to urge her into a hug.
For a moment, Jess just paused and watched him. She couldn't believe he was so open and unfazed by everything that had happened over the past few months. She had given him an incredibly tough time and told him she wanted nothing to do with him. However, now he was willing to just shrug it all off and go back to how things were.
"...don't leave me hanging and looking like a twat though."
"As satisfying as that would be..." Jess teased as she got down from the stall and made her way over to him. "I don't think I could do that right now."
In that intense, confusing yet warm moment, Jess let herself relax into Jay's arms as he wrapped them around her. This hug wasn't just a simple greeting after 6 months apart, it held so much more than that. It was an apology from her to him and him to her. It was a reassurance that everything was good between them, and it was a confession of how much they had truly missed one another.
"I'm sorry for thinking you would screw me over like that." Jess said as her face pressed to his chest. "I don't know how I could be so stupid. I was just so angry that you would get with my sister after everything, that it kind of blinded my view of the person you actually are."
Resting his chin against Jess' head, Jay glimpsed over at Steph's smiling face before leaning down to press his lips against Jess' hair. He didn't care about the things she had said to him, or what she had perceived him to be, he was just glad to be back with the two most important women in his life, and for them all to be safe. Nothing else mattered really.
"I was a little offended that you two thought I was fucking stupid." Jay teased back, bringing some light to the situation. "But it's all good. If I could fool you two, then I must be fooling everyone else."
Leaning back out of his embrace with Jess, Jay looked down to capture her eyes and that confirmed the look he was expecting. She was filled with emotions and a sense of happiness for this moment, and that was exactly how he was feeling.
"You know I've got your back, no matter what, right? Whether you're in this gang or not."
Nodding her head, Jess ran her hand up the side of his stubble face before teasingly giving his cheek a squeeze.
"You just give me so much fucking anxiety, all of the damn time!"
"Yeah, well... gotta keep you on your toes haven't I?" Jay smirked, before pulling her in for one more squeeze.
This time, he reached out a spare hand to urge Steph into the hug too. She didn't even have to consider it and immediately let her body be soaked up in his warm embrace. Everything about this moment was perfect. Being in the arms of the only two people who had really been there for her was an irreplaceable feeling.
"I've got a coupe of hours before I need to meet the devil." Jay began in reference to Jazmine. "So, how about we all have a drink together, for old times sake. I think we have a lot to catch up on."
Glimpsing over at Steph, Jess saw that genuine smile cross her face and she was mirroring it herself. She couldn't think of anything better than getting to spend the next hour with her two best friends, two people that she knew would be there for her no matter what.
She may have lost a little faith in Jay over those past 6 months, but it had now made he realise that she had been the one in the wrong. She had let emotions take over and control her rational mind. Jay was family and no matter what happened, he would always put her first, and Steph too.
This guy was a dangerous, some would say heartless being, but she knew the real him on the inside. When it came to the people he loved, he was the most selfless man she had ever met in her life. No amount of money or pride could change that.
"I think a catch up is definitely needed." Steph grinned as she turned her head to look up at Jay.
As he looked down at her, there was that love in his eyes, which had never really gone away and Jess immediately picked up on it. But before she got chance to question it, Jay leaned down to press his lips to Steph's, in a gentle, yet loving kiss, one that confirmed everything.
The person who needed catching up most here, was her and that was evident by Steph and Jay's actions alone.
A few hours had passed and everyone was still happily at the bar, catching up on the couple of weeks Harvey had been away. It was qu...
Part 39 - Bad Desire: New Generation
A few hours had passed and everyone was still happily at the bar, catching up on the couple of weeks Harvey had been away. It was quite amazing to hear the conversations the guys shared after being apart from one another as it just highlighted how similar they truly were to the girls.
As entertaining as it was to listen to them though, Grace was still feeling incredibly uncomfortable and on edge. She felt like she couldn't be her usual loud and bubbly self because she had the Max situation in the back of her mind. She wasn't lying to Harvey, it just wasn't the right time to tell him. However, there was a building guilt in her due to the fact that he was clueless.
"Max." Grace called out to capture his attention from his conversation with TJ.
While Harvey had gone to the bar, now felt like the only time to grasp him for a minute.
TJ clearly looked confused at her call and his eyes didn't really leave her or Max for a while, only making this more difficult.
"What's up?" Max asked as he took the seat opposite her on the bench and rested his arms across the table.
"Can you please stop persuading Harvey to drink more?"
"What? Why?"
Max was looking at Grace like she had completely lost her mind. This was supposed to be an evening of celebrations and all of the guys were urging him on.
"Because I wanted to tell him about the Brinley situation tonight. I can't do that if he's not sober!" Grace bit, angry that Max wasn't thinking this through.
However, at the same time she knew exactly why he wasn't. The moment Grace told Harvey, that would put their friendship in trouble and he wanted to stall that happened for as long as possible. Therefore, Max would do what he could to ensure the truth didn't come out just yet.
"I don't understand the rush." He sighed, not on the same page with Grace in this. "Let him enjoy his fucking night, he's only just got back."
"I can't do that because I feel like I'm lying to him!"
"You're not lying. We didn't tell anyone about it. It's not personal to him."
Watching Max in frustration, Grace was doing everything to compose herself. Although TJ had now been distracted by Taj, he was still glimpsing over whenever he got the chance. It was obvious that he knew something was up and that was another reason that Grace had to tell Harvey. She didn't want him being the last to find out.
"You don't get it..."
"Yeah, I do get it." Max corrected. "But you just need to chill out."
"How am I supposed to chill out, Max? This situation is so fucked up!"
Leaning forward, Max rested his chin on the palm of his hand before presenting Grace with a mocking smile. He was clearly much more unfazed by this whole situation than she was and he wasn't afraid to show it either.
"Have a drink, stop sitting here with a face like a slapped arse, and then I'm sure you'll be fine."
In that moment, Grace wasn't sure if she wanted to give Max a face like he had just described hers, or if she wanted to laugh. She was fuming at him but at the same time, she was lured in by his words. He was so carefree and was making the most of the calm before the storm hit, and Grace envied that. She wished she could be doing it too.
Max had always been incredibly reckless and never thought too much into a situation. He was incredibly good at living in the moment and that was exactly what he was doing now.
Grace had always been similar, yet things were obviously very sensitive right now. She wished she could just shrug it off and have a good night but that felt incredibly difficult to do.
"Give us a smile then, babe." Max encouraged with a grin on his face.
"Fuck off." Grace shook her head, while trying to force a serious expression to cover any positive one from breaking through. She didn't want him thinking things were okay between them after what he had done but he was annoyingly convincing.
"Come on, show them pearly whites!" Max continued, knowing exactly how annoying he was being but finding amusement from it.
Reaching out, he cupped Grace's chin as he then tried to urge her lips into a smile.
"You're so fucking annoying! Get off." Grace said as she pulled her face back and shot him a warning look however, it didn't take long for a smile to finally break through.
"There is it. I see it."
"Stop it."
"Absolutely stunning. Look at that." Max teased while Grace rolled her eyes back at him.
"You're not solving anything here."
"Maybe not but we may as well make the most of this peace while it lasts, right?"
Letting out a long sigh, Grace's eyes darted up to look at Max for a moment. As she looked into his eyes, all she saw was Brinley. She had always thought she had Max's eyes but had tried so hard to ignore it. However, now that Grace was faced with him once again, it was so difficult to do that.
"I hate that she has some of your features." Grace mumbled, saying the words out loud when she hadn't actually intended to.
"What?" Max asked, clearly confused at what she was talking about.
"Oh... right..."
"I wanted to be able to block you out completely and pretend that she didn't have a dad, a biological father, whatever... but that was impossible and I still hate you for that."
"Grace..." Max trailed off, his own voice surprisingly turning serious; apologetic even.
As her gaze dropped from his, Max reached out to touch her hand, that was rested on the table. Giving it a squeeze, he attempted to regain her attention. Grace did look up at his touch however, a face in the background caught her eye first and that happened to be TJ. He was watching them again, clearly suspicious of the exchange but the moment she caught his eye, he looked away.
"Whatever happens with Harv, I'm still going to do what's right by Brinley. Trust me on that." Max reassured, as Grace placed her hand back into her lap.
With TJ now looking away, Grace was safe to look Max in the eyes once again. She wanted to hate him so badly but she knew that she was lying to him. She didn't hate him and for some reason she couldn't. Every time she looked at him she saw Brinley and it brought back so many emotions, both the good and the bad of her time with Max.
No matter what happened, Grace knew that she would always have some kind of tie to this boy. He was the father of her daughter after all.
"I don't know why I trust you after everything but for some reason I do..."
Blog Archive
- Part 44 - Bad Desire: New Generation (2)
- Part 43 - Bad Desire: New Generation (1)
- Part 42 - Bad Desire: New Generation
- Part 41 - Bad Desire: New Generation
- Zoe Jones - Character Profile
- Poppy Taylor - Character Profile
- Kiara Lòpez - Character Profile
- Naomi White - Character Profile
- Part 40 - Bad Desire: New Generation
- Part 39 - Bad Desire: New Generation
- Charter Profile - Reece Marshall
- Character Profile - Chenric LaÃ
- Character Profile - Carter Newlan
- Character Profile - TJ Aven
- Character Profile Update - Max Rowen
- Part 38 - Bad Desire: New Generation
- Part 37 - Bad Desire: New Generation
- Part 36 - Bad Desire: New Generation
- Hint: Texts!
- Part 35 - Bad Desire: New Generation
- Max Rowen - Character Profile
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