Madison (Maddie) Claymoore Age: 25 Occupation: Family are business owners and she runs one of their clubs. Lives: Just moved to...
New Character Profile - Madison Claymoore
Stretching her arms up above her head, Francesca slowly opened her eyes and began to take in her surroundings. Everything abo...
Alternative Pathway - Part 2
"So, tell me girl!" Leah nudged Grace side, while she just looked back at her in question. "Tell you what?...
Alternative Pathway - Part 1
"So, tell me girl!" Leah nudged Grace side, while she just looked back at her in question.
"Tell you what?"
Grace was sat beside a beaming Leah in Harvey's parent's garden, watching on as a group of the family played football. Leah had been minding her own business, bouncing her youngest son, Bryson, on her knee however, that had very quickly changed. Now, her attention was fully on Grace and she looked like she was fully up to something.
"Tell me when you and Harv are gonna have a baby!" Leah announced so casually. "El and I usually get pregnant at the same time as I absolutely hate being pregnant alone, but considering she seems to be done for a while, I need a partner for my next attempt at getting a girl."
Grace couldn't help but break into laughter at Leah's comment. If it had have been any other girlfriend of Harvey's sat here, they probably would have run a mile. However, as Grace had got to know Leah, she had grown to love her too. She was absolutely crazy but in the best way!
"Er..." Grace chuckled, glimpsing from Leah to Harvey in the distance. "That's not something we have spoken about..."
"Fuck! What are you hanging about for? You guys need to get a move on!" Leah grinned. "It's a Lawrence tradition to have lots of kids so you need to start early or you'll be in your 50's and still popping them out. I couldn't be dealing with that."
"Oh my God, Leah!" Grace's laughs grew louder and although they were genuine, they were also giving her some time to stall while she thought of how to respond.
"Well? Look, Harvey Lawrence is totally ready! He loves it."
Grace's gaze followed the direction Leah was pointing to where Harvey was currently chasing Leah and Kian's son, Brooks, and Ellie's daughter Macie. As he reached them, he swept them both off their feet before being pounced on by the rest of his nieces and nephews, causing him to come tumbling to the floor. Kian was in fits of laughter and then Grace caught the huge grin across Harvey's face, showing how just how happy he was.
"He does love kids..." Grace trailed off, more to herself than anything else but Leah had heard and she was very excited about it.
"Exactly! To be honest, he should be pestering you for kids now but I guess he's scared you'll say no." Leah began talking really fast once again, something that made Grace have to listen incredibly intently to know what she was saying. "Their dad was always the one pestering Jess for more kids, Ellie was the same with James and yeah, Kian was just the odd one out, so I always have to pester him buuut you're lucky with Harv, you won't even have to beg, he's told me how much he wants kids...."
"Leah!" Grace attempted to encourage her to pause for breath but it clearly wasn't going to work.
"God how fun would it be to have even more babies around! We'd all help you out too. Jess and Jack are amazing for that, they always have our babies if Harvey or Mia can't."
"Leah, breathe girl, breathe!" Grace laughed as she watched even Bryson looking a little dazed by his mum's rambling as he pulled on her t-shirt.
"Sorry, sorry... I just get really excited, you know?"
"I know! But I don't even know if I want more kids... having Brinley had been enough hard work."
The expression that crossed Leah's face in that moment was as though she had just seen an alien walk into the garden. She was in utter shock that Grace could possibly be against the idea of creating a football team-sized collection of children. It would be against the 'Lawrence tradition'.
"I would totally give you a lecture of why you need lots of kids right now but I will leave that to Harvey Lawrence. He has one job and I know that he'll convince you." Leah grinned as she pressed her lips to Bryson's head.
Although Grace absolutely loved Leah and found her over-enthusiasm quite amusing, the talk of babies was a little terrifying. She knew that being with a Lawrence did come with one huge expectation and that was that you would have lots of kids.
They had all done it, without fail. If you didn't do it, you would be the couple that stood out like a sore thumb in the family.
Grace knew that Harvey wanted kids, he absolutely adored his nieces and nephews. However, Grace hadn't really thought about whether building a large family was what she was prepared to do. It was definitely a conversation she knew would come up at some point and considering Leah had already been the one to kickstart that, it was very likely it would only continue from here...
There are going to be some chapters based on an alternative pathway to the story. This will be a 'what if' kind of scenario, so wha...
Alternative pathway - Character Profile
Main Characters
Relationship: dating Harvey Lawrence
Brinley Ellard
Relationship: single
(played by Emma Dumont)
Age: 22
Lives: Brighton (in own flat)
Occupation: Club Performer
Relationship: dating both men and women while also messing around
(played by Emma Dunmont)
Taj Larson
Age: 22
Relationship: single, messing around
(Played by Simon J Loof)
Relationship: dating Reece
Occupation: Assistant for Sophie/Intership
Relationship: single
Relationship: single
Occupation: Elementary School - 1st Grade
(Played by Alyvia Alyn Lind)
This new character is more fitting to Francesca due to the old one now having dyed her hair and Fran has always been dark in my mind. Also b...
Francesca Stewart Character Profile *Update*
“Have you seen her yet?” Lila asked Grace as they took their seats in the bar with drinks in hand. “No.” Grace responded simply. “And I...
Bad Desire - New Generation Updates (3)
“Have you seen her yet?” Lila asked Grace as they took their seats in the bar with drinks in hand.
“No.” Grace responded simply. “And I don’t want to.”
“Well I think it’s going to be very difficult to avoid her…” Lila trailed off as her head turned in the direction of the doors, just as Poppy and her friend Kaycee walked through.
There was no ignoring the many faces that immediately turned their way and also no hiding exactly who their gazes were fixed on.
Kaycee Carson was new in town and she was here to make herself known. She was a 25 years old blonde with a body that she had worked incredibly hard for. She had striking features which were both beautiful but were also capable of being absolutely terrifying with just a simple look.
Her beauty wasn’t the only thing that made her capture such a large amount of attention though. In fact, it was actually her family name and her own reputation that made a girl like her difficult to ignore.
The Carson’s were a wealthy family that were known for moving around often and creating havoc everywhere they went. They were trouble. They were capable of blowing things up and then walking away with no blood on their hands, while everyone else suffered the consequences.
“That’s her.” Lila tried to discretely point in the direction of Kaycee while Grace glimpsed in that direction. “She already looks trouble.”
“Which is exactly why I’m worried for Fran. She’s fucking mesmerised by the girl and there is no knocking her out of it.” Grace bit in frustration as she watched Kaycee walk towards the bar with confidence in her stride.
She was wearing very little but what she did have on was all black to match her dark smokey eyes.
“She’s still sleeping with her then?” Lila asked. “I was hoping it was just going to be a one time thing.”
“Yeah, she still is and I know it’s only a matter of time before she gets her heart broken.” Grace trailed off. “Kaycee tells her to jump and Fran asks ‘how high?’ It’s like she’s loosing her own rational mind.”
“So do you think all of the stories about Kaycee are true?”
“Of course. Poppy has said so herself. I don’t know what shit she is involved in but her family is mysteriously wealthy. It’s not innocent.”
A shiver ran down Lila’s spine just thinking of it. She was just as worried about Fran as Grace was yet there was very little either of them were able to do. Fran had been trapped under Kaycee’s spell the moment she met her and since then there was no getting her out.
Kaycee Carson was a dangerous mystery and her arrival in Brighton was not going unnoticed. She was here to make money and break hearts, and she was going to do that no matter what it took.
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