Obviously reading isn't a visual thing so I am going to present in photos how I imagine them in my head. You may have other visions so I would be interested to know if you do.
Sophie and Elliot
Lucie has mentioned in the story that they live along the sea front - I am not sure if they live in a house or an apartment but either one, I imagine it being very modern.
So whether it is an apartment:
or a house:
I imagine them as looking something like this.
Sophie Carter's Parents (when they were together).
In comparison to Sophie, I see them as previously living in something not so modern and a little more old fashioned. I don't know why, they just seem that kind of type. So maybe something like this: (or maybe even more old fashioned than this).
Jack and Jess' new house (and now just Jack's)
We all know from the book that Lucie has presented the Lawrence's as a very wealthy family. From the business to money being passed down. So taking from how Lucie wrote about the new house they brought together before Addison was born I can imagine it being something like this:
Again, like Sophie and Elliot I feel like it would be very modern and of course has a huge drive for his cars haha!
Jack Lawrence's parents
Again, a wealthy family but I feel like they would have something that was extremely homely. With the mention of huge family get together's that Lucie always writes the lawrences as having, it would be big too. So maybe something like this:
I am not sure if she still lives with her parents as she broke up with Matt, so if she does I could imagine her parents living up a cute traditional street, in something like this:
or maybe this:
If she lives in her own place, I could also imagine her living in an area that is very similar or maybe right in the town in an apartment?
I couldn't really vision what I think the gang's house would have looked like, nor what their individual apartments looked like when they lived alone.
If anyone has an ideas, let me know :)