SO HELLO, I was having a long chat with Lucie the other day and we were talking about Bad Desire but also loads of other things and it lead me to writing this. (I hope she doesn't mind, so hi Lucie if you are reading this haha).
One theme that Lucie has again and again brought into Bad Desire is equality. She is a strong believer in women and men being seen as equal and neither sex being viewed as more capable than the other. Her views on sexism aren't something she openly talks about but does subtly incorporate them into chapters in the story to spread the message and discuss it.
Sophie Carter is the character she mostly uses for this and you will have seen this in previous chapters and will continue to see it in future chapters too.
Not everyone has strong beliefs on sexism and this post isn't to make you feel like you have to, but it's to hopefully make you aware of the messages that do come across in some of the chapters.
While she uses Sophie to portray that road to equality she also expresses how even though she loves the ideas of girls being the breadwinner of a family and being treated with that same respect, she also doesn't try to make it seem like every girl has to be this way.
Not every girl wants to be the one out earning the most money or doing things that were traditionally looked at as being a 'man's only' job or characteristic and she takes that into account.
A few of the other female characters are in a sense, living the more traditional lifestyle and it shows that thats okay too. Everyone has different tastes and chooses to live different ways, so Lucie ensures that she covers both sides and creates completely different personalities for each of the different characters.
The aim of this post was to just make people aware of the important themes Lucie brings into the story, they are not always so obvious but they are there. Sexism isn't the only one she is passionate about, there are many others and she tries to incorporate these into the story too without being too forceful. From family issues, to divorce to relationship problems and more...
Just keep a wise look out for them. Reading some of them has made me more sensitive to things that I may not have experienced or thought about before.