Through all the good and bad that Sophie has done, one thing that stands out and one thing that makes it impossible for me not to like her (even if she does make many mistakes) is how strong she is as a person.
She is very passionate about equality and has been brought up to be a very confident and independent women. There are many reasons why I think she has turned out like this and I am going to share them...
1. Her mum
I guess this is the most obvious. We know her mum is an extremely career focused women and has seemed to know she is capable of anything. Therefore she has really forced these views onto Sophie and empowered her into thinking she can do what she wants and that she doesn't need to rely on anyone else.
I think whether Sophie liked it or not, her mum would have quite literally forced the independence and career woman aspect onto her daughter. From what we know about Sophie's mum she doesn't seem the type to care too much for serious relationships and instead focuses very much on making a living for herself. As much as this can be intimidating, it now fits Sophie's personality quite well.
2. Her mum leaving/not being around
Her mum has not been around for a lot of her childhood too. Firstly because she works a lot and secondly because she has cheated and caused breakups.
I think both of these have an impact on Sophie's personality because with her mum not being around it maybe lead to her playing an important role in her siblings lives. She was maybe forced to grow up early and look after her siblings when her dad was working.
Also, before her siblings were born we know she spent a lot of time with the Lawrence's while her dad was working. Being surrounding by Jack and Connor, both being guys would have probably meant Louise treated them all equally. She doesn't seem the type of person to treat the boys different to Sophie. She is a very empowering woman herself (what with having to look after her own kids alone for a while when Dan left and also because we know she plays a part in the running of the family business now, therefore she is a business woman herself).
3. Sophie's dad
I also think Sophie's dad would have been a huge influence. I can imagine when it was just them two and she was younger, they probably did a lot together that may have been different to a mother/daughter relationship. This probably opened her to more 'male dominated' things that typically girls would have been kept from. Therefore leading her to believe she is capable of anything.
4. Elliot Lloyd
I think maybe Elliot would have played a key part too as he was always very relaxed and let Sophie go ahead and do as she pleased. He was never bothered about being 'the man of the house' and has always had a job that paid less than Sophie and probably relied on Sophie to do things that he probably wasn't sure how to. Due to her dominating personality, how she enjoys being a leader etc... the fact that Elliot was the opposite probably meant she had more opportunities to take charge and be the breadwinner of the house as such.
5. Jessica Montague
We know that Sophie and Jess are both good friends and maybe the fact that Jess has grown up to be a very confident person who doesn't rely on anyone but herself, due to her horrible childhood, she may have influenced Sophie.
Jess probably helps keep Sophie in that mind frame when anything goes wrong and Sophie could possibly look up to Jess? She probably respects the fact she did so much on her own and this continues to make Sophie remain in that mind frame.
These were just a few points I came up with, there are probably more. But I feel like this explains a lot of Sophie's personality and why she is the way she is.
I have more of these to post on the other characters so look out for them :D
Hope you all have a good Good Friday haha!