With the recent chapters focusing on the tension currently running between Sophie and Aaron I thought it would be fun to set off a bit of a debate on who is in the right.
I am undecided on who I think is right but am going to debate it out below and see if I can come to a conclusion and whether or not anyone agrees.
Team Aaron:
To begin with I was instantly team Aaron. Sophie leaped on him with the decision that she was going back to work the next day without even discussing it with him. He seemed happy enough for her to go back, that wasn't his issue as he was prepared to stay home but he wasn't okay with how she went about it.
Sophie was so fed up of being home that she had reached the point where she physically couldn't take it and instead of asking Aaron if he could take a turn of remaining home, she told him.
I love that Sophie is so upfront but I do feel sorry for Aaron that he had the decision thrown at him and was expected to just go along with it.
I think Sophie is quite high maintenance because she is so used to guys doing whatever she wants with the click of her fingers so she expected Aaron to just drop everything and agree. I was glad when Aaron refused to let her go back the next day and said she needed to wait a week and actually found the exchange between them funny at that point. The back and forth in their relationship is something I love and I think Sophie needs that after the previous guys she has been with.
Team Sophie:
However, even though I think it's wrong what Sophie did, I do think the only reason she acted in the way that she did was because she is so used to having control. We know she has a high position in work and considering she has been home for so long, she hasn't been able to do her usual bossing around to keep in control, Therefore, she used Aaron to try and do that.
A main reason why I would go for team Sophie is because of the way Aaron acted afterwards. It was funny to begin with when he was messing with her by kissing her and then acting as though she wasn't there again. It was all innocent and playful however, the moment he decided to go out with a friend was when I switched.
Sophie already feels so uncomfortable at that party after the way Erika has been around her so would want Aaron there as support. She also needs him there for help with Phoebe considering she seems to be doing most of the looking after at the moment when they are both her parents.
I also didn't like what Aaron did in terms of the smoking. It was pointed out that he had stopped smoking so it obviously means he was just doing it to get to Sophie which is selfish. Sophie had spent time helping him and now he is throwing it back in her face because she annoyed him.
Team Aaron:
Another vote for team Aaron would be because of the way Sophie acted up over the whole thing. She is quite spoilt in a way due to her upbringing after not getting her own way, she instantly shut out what he may want and focused on her own desperate needs.
Team Sophie:
Back on team Sophie I understand why she is so desperate to get her own way. It was pointed out by Estee that she was never happy with Elliot due to him holding her back. She is probably getting worried that because she has been forced to stay home for so long that it will remain that way and she will get stuck in a rut where she will have to drop her career for Phoebe and Aaron.
Moving on to the way she acted in front of Aaron's friend... I feel sorry for him as she probably made him look like a fool, refusing to let him smoke but at the same time, I love that she did that. She didn't care about standing up to his friend too for the sake of Aaron. She didn't do it because she was angry with him, she did it because she cared and didn't want him getting back into old habits.
I'm still unable to pick a solid side but I would have definitely been Team Aaron if things would have remained how they were to begin with - when Sophie told Aaron she was going back to work without asking. However, Aaron's reaction to the whole thing was what made me push towards Team Sophie. He could have acted differently and not taken things to the extreme of going out and smoking.
With the recent chapters focusing on the tension currently running between Sophie and Aaron I thought it would be fun to set off a bit of a ...
About author: BadNewsFanfic
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