After the past two chapters my mind has definitely been messed up on who I think Jess should end up with. With the story coming to an end so...

Jack or Jay?! WHO WHO WHO

After the past two chapters my mind has definitely been messed up on who I think Jess should end up with. With the story coming to an end soon (we're no longer how soon is soon anymore as things changed dramatically with the planning after the kiss haha), this could make a HUGE difference to how it finishes.

I'm just going to rant out different reasons why I think Jess should be with either guy:


  • Jess and Jack have been together 10 years!! (and there is a 10 years chapter I do not want to miss out on).
  • They show each other unconditional love and if that's not goals I don't know what is.
  • They have always been my favourite relationship in the story and the one I want!!
  • They have been through so much together over the years and always stayed strong and together.
  • They have the cutest family ever!! Not only their kids but all the Lawrences together.
  • Jess is currently pregnant with Jack's baby.
  • Jack seemed completely heartbroken when he found out about the kiss.
  • They have been together 10 years!!! - I felt the need to mention that again.
  • They are the longest lasting relationship and I am not quite ready to let go. 
  • They are not only completely in love, they are best friends.
  • Jack saved Jess from getting caught in a life that could get her killed.
  • They had a baby together at 20 and didn't let people's opinions or judgements get in the way of their love for one another.
  • They can be themselves around one another - completely. They love each other no matter what and stick up for each other through the tough times.
  • They probably could never find the love they have for each other anywhere else. It's irreplaceable.
  • They know each other better than anyone else.


  • Jess brings out the best side of Jay - we finally see a sensitive, kind, loving and vulnerable side to him that we never thought existed.
  • We see Jay in love with a person and not the gang!
  • They both have a past together.
  • They used to be the only family and support each other had when they were in the gang. 
  • They were there and supported one another through all the tough times and acted in place of families they never had.
  • They are both two messed up people coming together and in a way fixing one another.
  • You can always feel the tension when they are around each other but in a good way!! As though they are desperate to be together.
  • It's like a bad boy, good girl kind of thing now Jess' life has slightly changed.
  • Jess could save Jay's life.
  • The chapter of them kissing made my heart melt so much. I was screaming with love feelings.
  • It's a constant want what you can't have relationship, which makes me want it to happen even more.
  • Jay has been hopelessly in love with Jess from the start, surely he should get his moment with her at some point? It would be nice to see a bit more of happy Jay and a little less grumpy.
  • You can sense the feelings between them in every single chapter they have together!! 
  • They know each other better than anyone else.


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