The recent chapter had Matt telling Juliet that he didn't want to meet Lana and that he was no longer going to go ahead with it. Readi...
Matt's Decision about Lana
Reading that at first instantly causes frustration as I know Lana will be devastated. She has spent so long searching for her parents after feeling rejected by them once due to them giving her up and now her dad is doing it again.
If I was in her shoes, I would be heartbroken and I think I would just shut off all contact from that point.
HOWEVER, I also understand it fully from Matt's point of view. He doesn't have any connection with Lana, at all. Sophie doesn't have much but it's a tiny bit easier for her as she carried Lana for 9 months and actually got to meet her when she was born. Matt never experienced that.
Yes, it was his own fault but now it just makes him very unsure about building a father-daughter relationship with a complete strangers.
He's probably scared of what it will be like and worried he won't be able to live up to expectations. Matt knows he will end up having to force a lot because right now, he doesn't feel any emotion towards the situation. Therefore, although it isn't great that he doesn't want to meet her, it may save her a lot of hurt.
I think Lucie deciding to tackle the situation this way in the story was such a good idea. It's so true and honest, rather than being like a fairytale where everything is happy.
In the real world, it wouldn't be easy and Matt probably wouldn't jump at the opportunity with open arms. One, because it's not like him and two, because he has never felt a connection with Lana, from the moment he found out that Sophie was pregnant.
Therefore, she has made this storyline so truthful to what it would really be like and what it would truly feel like. Matt was feeling pressured into doing something just because it was seen as 'right' not because he felt like it was the right thing for him.
The recent Harvey and Jess chapter made me so sad because it showed Harvey in a vulnerable position for the first time! When it comes...
Harvey - Lottie - Jess Chapter
So considering they both are part of the Lana storyline, I thought now would be a great time to do a post dedicated to them and what we know...
Todd and Matt Russle
Obviously Matt has always held a main part in the story but Todd has been in it the whole way through - mostly in relation to his friendship/relationship with Sophie. They have both influenced storylines in huge ways yet their own is still a bit of a mystery...
The Basics:
It also could have annoyed Matt as Sophie was closer to Todd in the end and this wasn't the first time a girl had chosen Todd over him.
I think there has probably been a lot that contributed to their hatred to each other but I do believe, they were probably close before. I think too much happened in their life and everything ended up piling up. I do believe that them being separated into different gangs is what caused many of the problems and they were never able to come back from that.
Who would I trust more?
This is difficult because at the end of the day, I do think deep down they are both as genuine as each other. At first look, you'd probably think that Matt was more trustworthy just because he has lived a more 'normal' life. He has a family and wife etc... all of whom are easy to trust. However, I do think Todd is just as decent.
He works a normal job (which he is known to be amazing at) and when he is around Sophie, he seems completely normal. I think he just does stuff to kick up a fuss because he enjoys it. Although he may be dangerous, he has a gentle enough heart that he could be trusted too.
What to expect from the brothers?
I don't think they are going to be best friends anytime soon however I will not give up hope of them making up. Now that Lana is in the picture, she has probably given a greater chance for that to happen. Todd is looking out for her for Sophie's sake and this may lead to himself and Matt having reason to spend more time together.
I don't know for sure but I do hope that they do manage to get back on speaking terms without getting into raging arguments!
Now that they are both outgrowing the gang (sort of) and are more mature, it would be great to see them put their differences aside and get along.
So in the recent chapter there was a very intense and unusual scene for Jess and Jack - one that made me cry real tears!! It was emotional...
Jess + Jack scene pulled apart
It was emotional and very far from what we're used to from them but the reason this happened was due to everything they are going through.
Jess and Jack have always been one of the most affectionate couples in the story - Jack is a romantic and has always expressed this in every way with Jess. HOWEVER, since she has been ill, it has obviously been tough on both of them.
That is why this scene was SO IMPORTANT.
It showed that something like this illness can really damage couples in all different ways.
Jack was scared of hurting Jess or making her condition worse. He was worried that if she overworked herself in any way that she may never get better. Yes, that was to the extreme but if the person you loved more than anything was in Jess' position, you can understand why Jack would jump to those conclusions.
On the other end, Jess hated the fact she was seen as incapable or fragile. Obviously her past as a gang member plays a huge part in this. She has never been seen as weak and is fully capable of holding her own. However, while ill there are limits to what she can do.
Jack wants to look after her but Jess doesn't want this. She is scared that Jack will end up being her carer and not husband which would eventually ruin the relationship they have.
Jack's distance made Jess very self-conscious which is something we rarely see from Jess. She began to question Jack's feelings for her, thinking that things had changed.
Jess thought that Jack no longer saw her in a sexual light and that the romantic relationship they had was turning into that more 'caring role' one.
Lucie aimed this chapter at the insecurities girls can feel (something that is going to be a theme in an upcoming chapter with the Juliet situation). She said that we all know the insecurities a girl can feel. They can be awful especially when you no longer feel attractive to someone you love or are romantically involved with. This was exactly what Jess was feeling.
Even though this was not the case, the signs he was giving off were making it seem this way to her. She already felt unattractive and not herself due to the illness so she was craving some affection and to put it openly - sexual attention from Jack! She wanted to feel like herself again and her relationship with Jack is a big part of this.
Obviously Jack very quickly made it clear to her that he did still feel the same way about her. He made it very clear that he wanted to prove that to her but obviously her recovery is getting in the way.
I know for sure that he will be able to give her all the reassurance she needs and things will get better between them however, I don't think Jess' insecurities will completely go away.
Jack can't constantly reassure Jess, that would be exhausting so it will take a lot of work on her part too. It will mean her battling with her own inner demons that have arisen with this illness and I think that will take some time.
Either way, I loved that chapter because it was so raw and honest. I think many girls (and guys) can relate to it - even if the exact situation isn't matched. We all have insecurities and a lot of us rely on other people to take these away. Even though it's incredibly unhealthy, we seek conformation from others and this can very quickly lead to a downward spiral of us believing things that may be very far from the truth.
The Lawrence Family Tree Click the image to view it bigger!
The Lawrence Family Tree
Here is the Carter Family Tree. Click the image to view it bigger!
The Carter (+more) Family Tree
So, here is the Lloyd (+more) Family Tree! Click the image to view it bigger.
The Lloyd (+more) Family Tree!
So this is going to become a regular thing! particular scenes/chapters/extra things that won't get posted on wattpad will be put here! ...
Jack & Aaron Texts
So here are the texts that were exchanged between Sophie and Matt as mentioned in a chapter by Sophie. There are hints in here ...
Sophie and Matt Texts!
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