After receiving the text messages from Kian, Harvey hadn't wasted anytime in getting to his parents to see his brother and Leah. He ...
Part 46 - Bad Desire: New Generation
After receiving the text messages from Kian, Harvey hadn't wasted anytime in getting to his parents to see his brother and Leah. He was excited to celebrate with them but to also humorously witness the conversations that would be occurring due to Leah's desperation to have a girl.
After an intense night, the afternoon with his family had been a perfect opportunity for Harvey to clear his head. However, it hadn't taken long for Kian to bring up the sore topic, after explaining that TJ had hinted to him about something being wrong.
Although Harvey had been reluctant to talk about it to begin with, things had very quickly changed. Talking to Kian was always refreshing because he always had the best outlook on things. He was always brutal and honest but sensitive at the same time, and that was something Harvey had needed.
"I just don't know what I'm supposed to do." Harvey sighed as he rested his body against the kitchen side. "It's fucked with my head."
After explaining every last detail to his brother, there was a sense of relief in the 26 year old however, he was also still just as confused.
"Does it change how you feel about Grace?" Kian asked the one question he knew that Harvey would struggle to answer, and that was exactly what happened.
Harvey paused as he debated it in his mind, trying to determine how best to answer that because he genuinely wasn't sure.
"It feels weird." He began, keeping it simple, but that wasn't enough for his older brother.
"In what way?"
"I still like her obviously, that doesn't just disappear but it feels weird now. She has a baby with my best mate, it makes me feel a little bit sick."
Nodding his head, that was the comment Kian had expected. Of course it was weird and Harvey had every right to feel uncomfortable about it. Grace was his girlfriend, someone he was taking steps to spend his life with, yet now Max had been thrown into the equation.
"Is it worth it?" Kian asked with a serious tone to his voice.
"Is all of this worth it? Is it worth fighting for your relationship with Grace and putting up with all of this drama?"
Kian's question had Harvey's mind spinning because it wasn't that simple to him. When he had first started dating Grace, he had never expected the roller coaster ride he had got in return. However, it hadn't taken long for things to change and Harvey was now struggling to comprehend how he felt about it all.
"I like Grace, a lot, but all of this is coming with so much drama and shit." Harvey said as he ran his hands through his hair. He was finally speaking without thinking, ready to just let whatever needed to be said fall from his lips, without worrying how it sounded. "I know I'm young, but there is a part of me that just wants to settle down now and have kids and all that... but I can't do that with Grace. She's got Brinley and now this situation with Max, I just feel like things with Lottie were so much smoother and I took that for granted."
"You wanna settle down?" Kian asked and he was watching Harvey in shock, having not expected that to be his response. "You broke up with Lottie because you didn't want any of that yet, right?"
Sighing, Harvey then began nodding his head.
"Yeah, I did. I selfishly wanted my fun but soon realised fucking around isn't as exciting as I thought. I am ready to get serious but now I'm not in a situation to do that."
"But what is it that you want, Harv?" Kian stressed. "Are you saying you regret ending things with Lottie or that you want something serious with Grace?"
"I wanted something serious with Grace." Harvey confirmed honestly but Kian knew there was more to follow. "Obviously I didn't want to rush things but I did see a future with her before all of this shit happened..."
"...but?" Kian asked, waiting for the further explanation.
"But being with Lottie this morning fucked with my head even more. Now I know that things with Grace probably won't work out, I can't stop thinking about what I had with Lottie."
Although things with Grace hadn't started off all that serious, Harvey had quickly seen some potential. There was an undeniable connection between them and he had began to imagine what things could become between them. However, now that Max was in the picture, it wasn't going to be that simple anymore and he wasn't sure if he could truly cope with that. It didn't feel right.
"Shit, man. Your head is fucked." Kian remarked as he was genuinely lost on what to say to help at this point.
He didn't know exactly what Harvey was feeling and he didn't think he even knew either.
"It's so fucked." Harvey agreed as he reached for his much needed drink, that was sat on the side.
"I really think you just need to take a step back and focus on yourself for a bit, Harv." Kian suggested, grasping his brother's full attention at his choice of words. "Be single, get back to enjoying some freedom away from any ties and just let things be for a off."
"You think I should break up with Grace?" Harvey questioned, considering Kian hadn't exactly said those words out loud but definitely implied it.
"Yeah. She's gotta focus on Max being in her daughter's life and that's going to take up a fuck load of her attention. It will also be fucking with your head and your friendship with the both of them in the process. Whereas if you're single, getting on with your life, I think it will clear your head."
Harvey just watched Kian for a moment as he processed what he was trying to say. His brother was basically telling him to break up with Grace and to go back to messing around once again. He wasn't sure that it was the sort of advice his mum would give him but the more he thought about it, the more it did make some kind of sense.
"You're in Cambridge most of the time anyway, so now is probably the best time for all of this shit to come out. You won't have to witness the Grace and Max situation while you're away, and it will also save your friendship with Max. Things could work out with Grace eventually too but you don't need that stress or pressure right now, I don't think it's worth it."
"I want to tell you that you're wrong..." Harvey began, noticing the smile form across Kian's face. "...but I actually think you're probably right."
"I'm always right, bro. Just give it a go and see what happens. You're young, you've got plenty of time to get serious, just enjoy yourself for a bit."
Reaching out to wrap his arm around Harvey's shoulder, Kian then pulled him in for a hug he knew was needed. Kian always looked out for his brother and wanted nothing more than for him to be happy. He knew that was possible but he also knew that it was something that took time and patience, and he hoped that Harvey was willing to let that happen.
About author: BadNewsFanfic
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