When Grace woke the next morning she was disappointed to not see or feel Max laying beside her. Instead, she was completely alone in his...
Part 67 - Bad Desire: New Generation
When Grace woke the next morning she was disappointed to not see or feel Max laying beside her. Instead, she was completely alone in his huge bed making her feel much colder than she had been when she fell asleep.
Pulling the duvet right up to her chin, Grace then reached out for her phone before noticing the mug of hot tea sat on the side. A smile spread across her lips at the sight of the biscuit that lay beside it too. It was such a simple gesture but one that made her whole body warm with love.
As Grace then reached out for the mug of tea, it was then she spotted the box that was hidden behind it and that was when the memory of last night came flooding back. Max had done as he said he would and went out and got her a pregnancy test. Instead of freaking out and making a run for it like before, so far he was doing everything right... everything she could have ever wished for.
"I guess we can't stall it any longer..." Grace muttered to herself as she reached for the box instead and stared at it in her hands.
Although this all felt very familiar, it also felt very different too. The last time she did a test she had been alone but now she was laying in her boyfriend's bed after having spent the most perfect night with him.
As Grace headed for the bathroom to take the test, she suddenly paused in Max's doorway as she spotted him, Taj and TJ chatting in the kitchen. Quickly stuffing the test in the pocket of Max's shirt she was wearing, she forced a smile in their direction. She knew that it would be good enough to fool Taj and TJ but was certain that Max would read right through it and realise that she had been caught in an incredibly uncomfortable position.
"Morning babe." Max said as he began approaching Grace before any of the guys could speak a word to her. "Are you taking the test?"
Grace nodded in response to Max's hushed tone as the wave of nerves overcome her once again.
"I'm terrified..."
"Whatever the result, it will be fine. We will figure it out."
"I just want to get this over with." Grace replied and when she looked at Max she suddenly felt slightly more reassured. Having him here meant the world and provided her with even just a small amount of calmness.
"I'll wait in my room."
It was about 20 minutes later when Grace and Max were sat on his bed in silence as they waited to reveal the result. Max had hold of her hand so tightly and Grace was sure it wasn't only for her benefit.
They were about to read a result that would determine their fate and their future. It would be a result that could possibly change everything they currently knew and the life they currently lived.
The main emotions that they were both feeling were nerves but there was also a strong eagerness and anticipation to just get this over with.
"Should I check it?" Grace asked, unsure if she was ready but knowing it needed to be done.
"Yeah..." Max trailed off as he watched her get to her feet and reach out for the test which she had placed on the side.
There were a few seconds while Grace held the test yet refused to even look down at it. It wasn't until Max cleared his throat behind her that she finally gave in and let her eyes fall to the result.
"I'm...." She began before holding the test out towards Max, causing him to finish the sentence.
About author: BadNewsFanfic
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