"Did you hear the news?" Ollie threw his arm over Aaron's shoulder as he approached where he was working.
"What news?" He stopped what he was doing to give Ollie his attention.
"Jack's extending the garage, he's brought the land next door and he's making it bigger."
While this piece of information was new to all the other guys, Aaron had been aware for quite a while. Therefore, he wasn't buzzing with curiosity as the others seemed to be.
"Which also means there will be a bunch of new employee's. They better not be twats and get promotions before I get a shot."
With the expansion on the garage it did mean that new jobs would be open. While the whole thing was a bonus of making more money, all some of the guys could think about were the extra people who would be working there.
"Well shit, you better get proving yourself then." Aaron smirked, knowing Ollie could be a bit of a slacker when it came to work.
He would do the job but was easily distracted so could find himself much more interested in those coming into the garage to have their cars sorted.
And with that said, his nosy eyes took focus on a girl who had pulled up into the car park and was making her way up to the office. She disappeared for a few seconds before the receptionist appeared in the doorway and called over to Aaron.
"Carla is here Aaron. Her car is out the front." She said only causing Ollie to begin laughing.
"She's already playing that card.The one they all play with Jack!" Ollie teased, throwing a dirty cloth at him.
"What 'card'?" Aaron mocked as he caught it in his hand and threw it to the floor.
"You know... damn, my car needs fixing I don't know what to do..." Ollie put on his best representation of a female voice. "Oh wait! You make a living from fixing them. Amazing! How about you fix mine even though there is fuck all wrong with it, just so I can pay you a visit because I haven't seen you for two whole hours!!"
By this point Ollie was making a huge scene in the middle of the garage, throwing his arms in the air as he carried out the act. Leaning down to pick the cloth up that Aaron had thrown on the floor, he threw it over his head to resemble longer hair.
"Oh then i'll just stand right here while you do it and touch your arm like this and rub your back because you know, it's sooo important to help you work."
Trying not to laugh, Aaron began walking towards the reception area before Ollie jumped in front of him and continued.
"Then i'll pretend i'm thick as shit and don't know what a wheel on a car is because what girl knows that?" Ollie then flicked the cloth from his shoulder.
"But maybe you can show me because then we can get really close and you'll kiss me and sweep me off my feet like a garage fairytale!" As Ollie placed his hands either side of Aaron's face, preparing to act as if he was kissing him, Carla appeared in the garage completely startled by what was happening before her.
"Shit," Ollie immediately recollected himself and holding his hand out towards her. "Nice to meet you. I wasn't pretending to be you... I was pretending to be my girlfriend... a girlfriend that I don't have... one that I imagine I will have."
While he was trying to recollect himself from looking like a complete idiot, Aaron couldn't hold back his laughter.
"I'm sure you car is fucked up... big time." Ollie began to nod, not quite sure what to do with himself.
"Right..." Carla trailed off, not quite sure what to say nor what to do.
She was clearly a little bit shy and Ollie's approach had been extremely overpowering.
"Fuck off Ollie." Aaron raised his brows at him as he attempted to lead Carla off in the direction of her car yet he carried on.
"Harris is brilliant at fixing things, Carla. He can multi-task too so he'll show you how everything works... like the wheels and stuff."
"Seriously, fuck off Ollie." Aaron warned once again.
By this point, Ollie was trying to hold back his laughter so Carla didn't think he was messing with her but he was finding it difficult. He was probably the only one who ever found his jokes funny so he was taking full advantage of what he thought was quality.
"I'll give you both privacy. I'll just be over here." He waved to the other side of the garage which was still very much in view.
"Sorry about him..." Aaron trailed off once they had reached her car, knowing she wasn't quite used to the overpowering men that worked at this garage. While he was capable of toning it down around certain people, the others clearly were not.
"It's okay." Carla briefly smiled. "I didn't really understand a word he was saying anyway."
"That's probably a good thing." Aaron chuckled before looking towards her car. "Is this yours?"
"Yeah. You don't mind looking at it do you? I'll obviously pay you."
"Course not, what's wrong with it?"
Aaron's next question silenced Carla for a few moments before she just broke out into a smile.
"I'm guilty!" She held her hands up. "There is nothing wrong with it... I just wanted to see you but didn't want to come across too desperate."
There it was. There was Carla admitting to what Ollie had been previously messing around about. He had been right but she had actually caved in and admitted it.
"So you're going to pay me for what?" Aaron raised his brows in a teasing manner.
Pulling her bottom lip into her mouth, Carla shrugged her shoulders.
"Um... taking me out, for dinner."
For a shy girl, she most definitely wasn't scared to jump right to it. She had clearly had enough of the casual nights spent together and was ready for more.
Looking over to where Ollie was stood watching like a hawk, Aaron was trying to mentally battle with himself over what to do.
"Are you offering to pay?" He asked to buy himself some time, yet she hadn't caught on to that and figured this was just a flirtatious game.
"I'll pay for the petrol." She responded with a grin over her face.
"Alright, deal." Aaron nodded, now trying to avoid the many faces and actions Ollie was pulling in the background. "I'll pick you up at eight?"
"Sounds perfect." Carla replied and it was difficult to appreciate how happy she seemed while a twenty-six year old guy was jumping around in the background, trying to mimic an excitable school girl who had just been asked on a date.
"Did you hear the news?" Ollie threw his arm over Aaron's shoulder as he approached where he was working. "What news?...
About author: BadNewsFanfic
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- IMPORTANT Topics in Bad Desire
- The longest lasting couple in the story goes to...
- WTF Summary: Baby Daddy? Suspicious Ex?
- EXTRA CHAPTER - Corey & Sophie intense scene.
- The main female characters : Sophie Carter PLUS HINT
- Character Profile - Alexis
- Jack Lawrence's memory loss
- Two sides to the Sophie situation
- Bonus Chapter!! (Garage guys - Ollie and Aaron)
- Bonus Chapter (fast forward chapter 5 extra.2)
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