Todd (Michael Russle) If you read the previous 2 chapters you would have seen the huge bombshell where we found out that Todd (Sophie...

Todd/Michael Russle: What we know so far..

Todd (Michael Russle)

If you read the previous 2 chapters you would have seen the huge bombshell where we found out that Todd (Sophie's ex) is actually Michael Russle!! If you don't know who Michael Russle is, here are a few facts about him:

  • He is Matt Russles twin brother (non-identical).
  • He got split from Matt when their parents got killed and he joined a different gang.
  • He used to be in a gang with Lara (who he dated and who is now in Jay's gang).
  • The gang they were in all got killed except from them two, so Michael went into hiding and changed his name to Todd.
  • He soon joined a different gang later on in life and traveled to Vegas to work.
  • This is where is began causing Matt a lot of trouble causing Matt and Juliet to leave Vegas and move back to Brighton.
  • Shortly after this he went back into hiding as Todd and moved to London.
  • Now Jay has offered for him to join his gang to help kill Buddy but he wants to be known as Todd and not Michael??

So there was quite a lot of drama leading to where Todd is today and also a lot of drama to how he got his name Todd. However, we also found out that Sophie knew all along that Todd was Michael (Matt's brother) but didn't say a word.

If you can't remember much about Todd, here are some facts about him:

  • He worked in Topshop with Sophie when he was 19-21 (she was 18-20) and they got on really well.
  • When he found out that she knew George and Matt (because of Isabella and Juliet) he told her the truth about who he was but asked her to keep it a secret. They were good friends so she agreed.
  • When Todd was 21 and Sophie was 20, they started dating and went travelling together.
  • While they were travelling Todd lured Sophie into a whole different life she didn't realise he was apart of including drugs and lots of alcohol. (this now makes sense - because he is a gang member and those they were partying with all the time while travelling were gang members too).
  • When they returned from travelling Sophie jumped back into her old life with Elliot and Todd decided to rejoin another gang after spending so much time with the gang members while travelling.
  • He was then in a gang until he was around 28 and then ditched that and took up his name as Todd once again and moved to London.
  • When in London he was working in Topshop and bumped into Sophie.
  • When Sophie and Aaron were going through their breakup and Sophie moved to London they obviously spent quite a lot of time together and also slept together.
  • We then found out that the child Sophie most recently miscarriaged was Todd's.

So that's a little bit on what we know about Todd/Michael so far. It all makes sense now because Todd did always seem quite suspicious and his behaviour was very gang like in a lot of the chapters.

I have mixed opinions on him and the whole situation.

I think it's so bad that Sophie didn't tell Juliet that she knew who he was... especially because Michael was making threats. 

However, I also can't get my head around whether I like Todd or not. He didn't seem that bad when they were all talking, he seemed quite genuine. So maybe he's not such a bad guy and he was just putting on a front?

Who knows??

I'm sure we will find out more soon! But as much as I love Sophie and Aaron, I do kind of ship Sophie and Todd aka Michael Russle!!

I also wonder if Michael will join Jay's gang because that will definitely create even more drama.

ALSO! How weird must it have been for Juliet meeting her ex husbands brother for the first time?! Under those circumstances!


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