My theory on the Sophie-Aaron situation! With the recent chapter and an upcoming one, I wanted to give my theory on whether or not Sophie ...

My Theory! Does she really love him?

My theory on the Sophie-Aaron situation!

With the recent chapter and an upcoming one, I wanted to give my theory on whether or not Sophie does truly still love/want to be with Aaron.

It's clear that she is bothered by the fact that he's planning on having a baby with his new girlfriend but is this just because he's not still waiting around for her?

Obviously it would be upsetting to see your ex have a happy life with someone else, especially if you still had feelings but it's so difficult to judge with Sophie. She loves attention from guys, we all know that. We also know that she loves when they still trail after her once she's ended a relationship and she makes a conscious effort to mess around with them a bit.

HOWEVER, is it different with Aaron?

He wasn't just some ex boyfriend. He was her husband and also her longest relationship. Yes, they had their ups and downs but there was no doubt that she really loved him.

It also needs to be remembered that their final breakup was over Aaron cheating on her. I know Sophie has done that in the past on Elliot and she has never been an angel but I think having Aaron do it to her would have come as a HUGE shock. It would have hurt her 100%. He is probably the one guy she trusted most. They went through a lot together.

I think because of that cheating incident and the way she dealt with it (acting like she didn't care and running off to New York to forget about everything) meant she never fully got over it. How could she have got real closure from their relationship when she left that abruptly. It's not possible in my opinion.

Therefore, I think when she left she did still care, she was still upset - she wouldn't have fallen out of love that easily. However, she just got on with life and created a whole new one for herself in New York.

That would have been fine if she had of stayed in New York. She may not have even flinched if she'd found out Aaron had another baby while she was continuing her life out there. It's the fact that she actually returned to Brighton and saw him face to face.

Every feeling she previously had for him MUST have come back. How could it not have done? Surely she never fully got closure from their relationship before.

THEREFORE, in my theory I think it does really bother her that he wants another baby with someone else. I think she is confused about how she feels about him. Don't get me wrong, I don't think she's 100% sure that she's in love with him and wants him back. I also think she does genuinely love Jace but I think coming back to Brighton has confused her so much.

She's going to have these feelings for Aaron, that's normal in my opinion as she's seeing him for the first time in ages. He's a comfort for her. That's why she feels so hurt and bothered by how quickly he's moved on even though she has too.

If he asked her if they could try again and he would leave Georgia do I think she would say yes? No, I don't. I definitely think she would spend a night with him but I think that would probably be her closure.

IF she does love him still I think she's smart enough to know it wouldn't work. They live two completely different lives. Aaron wouldn't move to New York and there is no way Sophie would move back to Brighton Therefore, I think this whole thing is just a slap in the face for her as she's realising that she's never going to be with him in that way anymore. It's made her realise that they can't play games anymore like they used to. They're older and both have to fully move on and be mature about it. It just so happens that Aaron's been the one to make that move this time.

But what about Aaron? I did find it kind of strange that he asked her about the baby thing. I get that he wanted her opinion on when to tell the kids and that he knew she would probably criticise him for making the wrong decision but surely he can handle it?

He's used to the criticism from her? So why can't he just shrug it off this time.

THEREFORE, part of me thinks that he wanted her to know and wanted to see her reaction. In a way I felt like he was shoving it in her face. That's what makes me question his feelings for her?

Did he want a reaction so he could have the upper hand for once? Or did he want a reaction because he wanted to see if she felt the same about him?

I don't know. I do think he's trying to move on but I'm not convinced he's fully over her. THE SCENE OUTSIDE THE PUB confirms that in my mind.

But yeah, that's just my theory!

I'm kind of sad because I love Sophie and Aaron together but I also think they are very toxic together too.


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