As I mentioned in a tweet before, the Bad News Series will eventually be condensed down into one or two smaller books, containing just the k...

The NEW BOOK! Opinions needed!

As I mentioned in a tweet before, the Bad News Series will eventually be condensed down into one or two smaller books, containing just the key themes and characters.

The books will still be on wattpad to read as they are, but the new book will make it easier for those who don't want to read them all!

Lucie needs to decide on a few things so if you have any opinions on it you can let her know (via DM's/tweets or even on here)...

1. The name of the book!

Should she keep it within the 'Bad...' titles or change it completely?!

2. The characters!

What characters do you think should be included in it? Obviously they probably won't all be - or at least they won't all have their own storyline... they may just get mentioned.

3. Key themes!

Which themes in the books so far do you think should be kept in the new book? Should she add any new ones?

4. The beginning...

Where should the new book start from? Bad News started when Isabella/Sophie/Jack/Elliot/Jess etc... were all roughly 18. Do you think there should be more on their school days or not?

If you have any ideas on these, or all of them - let Lucie know or me and i'll pass it on :)

Opinions are appreciated as she is obviously wanting to do whatever most people ask for.


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