Here is a 'timeline' showing the key Bad Desire parents; showing their current ages, when they got together, married, had their chil...

The Parents Timeline

Here is a 'timeline' showing the key Bad Desire parents; showing their current ages, when they got together, married, had their children and how long they have been together for.

It just gives a rough outline of their pasts and then you can compare to see if their children have ended up doing similar or very different!

Dan & Louise Lawrence

(Dan: 50, Louise: 48)

- Got together when:
Louise = 15
Dan = 17

- Had Connor when:
Louise = 16
Dan = 18

- Got married when:
Louise = 18
Dan = 20

- Had Jack when:
Louise = 20
Dan = 22

- Been together for: 
32 years

- Been married for: 
29 years 



Estee & Arlo Carter

(Estee: 55. Arlo: 56)

- Got together when:
Estee = 25
Arlo = 26

- Got married when: 
Estee = 26
Arlo = 27
- Had Sophie when:
Estee = 27
Arlo = 28

- Got divorced when:
Estee = 33
Arlo = 34

Broke up for 5 years after Estee cheated numerous of times.

- Remarried when:
Estee = 38
Arlo = 39

- Had Cameron when:
Estee = 39
Arlo = 40

- Had Maisy when: 
Estee = 41
Arlo = 42

- Rocky relationship from: 
Estee = 51
Arlo = 52

- Divorced:
Estee = 53
Arlo = 54

- Back together:
Estee = 54
Arlo = 55

- Had an on/off relationship but overall... Been together for:
30 years

Been married for:
1. 7 years
2. 15 years
3. No mention of remarrying since the last divorce.
So overall, married for: 22 years

Alissa & Dale Lloyd
(Alissa: 55, Dale: 58)
- Got together when: 
Alissa = 26
Dale = 29
- Had Elliot when:
Alissa = 27
Dale = 30
- Adopted Juliet when:
Alissa = 31
Dale = 34

- Got married when:
Alissa = 33
Dale = 36

- Been together for:
29 years

- Been married for:
22 years

Rusty & Jasmine Montague
(Rusty: 50, Jasmine: 49)
- Got together when:
Rusty: 17
Jasmine: 16
- Had Jazmine when: 
Rusty: 18
Jasmine: 17
Jasmine had an affair and had Beth when she was 19.
- Got married when:
Rusty: 21
Jasmine: 20
- Had Jess when:
Rusty: 22
Jasmine: 21

They were never together for very long as their relationship was very messy due to the gang. 
They are still legally married though even though they are not together - they never filed for a divorce due to not wanting their criminal records to be found.


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